WASHINGTON, D.C. -The House of Representatives is expected to vote on H.R 1797, the Pain-Capable…
CWALAC StaffJune 18, 2013
Even though 75 percent of Americans want more Federal Communications Commission (FCC) restrictions on public…
CWALAC StaffJune 17, 2013
Elise founded the first CWA high school chapter and will be speaking at June 21…
CWALAC StaffJune 14, 2013
The justices in Casey hid behind stare decisis and decided to uphold an unconstitutional decision,…
CWALAC StaffJune 14, 2013
There are two Maine representatives who don't seem to think it is important. Take a…
CWALAC StaffJune 13, 2013
Concerned Women for America Condemns Allegations of Cover Up in State Dept WASHINGTON, D.C. -…
CWALAC StaffJune 12, 2013
In the midst of the IRS scandal, a new audio recording has surfaced that will…
CWALAC StaffJune 12, 2013
Oh boy, were there fireworks on Fox News last week when well-intentioned, geeky guys got…
CWALAC StaffJune 11, 2013
Almost 100 concerned women, men, teens enjoyed a day of fellowship, prayer, visiting legislators, and…
CWALAC StaffJune 11, 2013
Not a problem, listen to one or more of the presentations online right now!
CWALAC StaffJune 11, 2013
There are six North Carolina representatives who don't seem to think it is important. Take…
CWALAC StaffJune 11, 2013
Today, a movement is born! A people "willing" to stand for GOD's principles, whatever the…
CWALAC StaffJune 10, 2013
Last week, the House and Senate were both out of session for Memorial Day. They…
CWALAC StaffJune 7, 2013