Texas IRS intimidation tactics happening right here in Texas Statement from Concerned Women for America Legislative Action Committee In Regards to Free Speech Hearing…State StaffMay 2, 2014
North Carolina Your Action is Needed: “Dear Colleague’s” are being circulated on the Common Core State Standards Sen. Charles Grassley (R-Iowa) and Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) are circulating a "Dear Colleague" letter…State StaffMay 1, 2014
Louisiana May 13 – 2014 Encourager-A-Legislator Appreciation Day at the State Capitol The Concerned Women for America of Louisiana Encourage-A-Legislator (EAL) program is going strong during this…State StaffApril 29, 2014
North Dakota ND Choose Life Corrects the Record About Measure 1 Claim vs. Fact.State StaffApril 19, 2014
April 17 Action Alert Now Available!"> California April 17 Action Alert Now Available! That's right. Sen. Mark Leno's SB 1306 will strip California's Family Code of all references to "husband…State StaffApril 17, 2014
North Dakota Pro-life setback: Judge voids N. Dakota’s ‘heartbeat’ abortion law State Director Janne Myrdal quoted in The Washington Post.State StaffApril 17, 2014
Wisconsin Atheists’ Easter taunt to Christians: ‘Jesus is a myth’ The Washington Times Reports, "An atheist group upset at a Concerned Women for America Easter…State StaffApril 17, 2014
Wisconsin CWA Featured on “On the Record” with Greta Van Susteren CWA of Wisconsin commended for Easter display at State Capitol.State StaffApril 17, 2014
Wisconsin CWA of Wisconsin on Fox & Friends State Director Kim Simac eloquently defended the faith and the freedom of religion. Segment discusses…State StaffApril 16, 2014
Wisconsin Anti-Easter Display in Wisconsin State Capitol Article on FoxNews.com speaks of the opposition CWA of Wisconsin is getting for their Easter…State StaffApril 16, 2014
South Dakota Why the ‘media blitz’ behind Common Core? State Director Linda Schauer’s letter to the editor in the Argus Leader.State StaffApril 14, 2014
Iowa Heart Change Equals Cultural Change Declared on Iowa Senate Floor State Sen. Dennis Guth (R-District 4) Speaks about bullying bill and how the answer is…State StaffApril 11, 2014
North Dakota Statement by North Dakota Choose Life Concerning State GOP Endorsement of November’s Measure 1 April 7, 2014 press release.State StaffApril 9, 2014
Maine CWA of Maine April News Report Now Available! Our Maine newsletter is coming to you with important information on Maine issues. Be up-to-date…State StaffApril 4, 2014
Maine Victory In the State House Against Human Trafficking CWA of Maine commended by Rep. Amy Volk in today's press release. Rep. Amy Volk’s…State StaffApril 2, 2014
South Dakota CWA of South Dakota Spring Newsletter Now Available! Check it out!State StaffApril 2, 2014
Montana NARAL of Montana Misrepresenting CPCs Information You Need to Know: NARAL of Montana has planned an event at the Lewis…State StaffApril 1, 2014
North Carolina CWA of North Carolina spring/summer News report is now available! Join with Concerned Women for America of North Carolina to uphold the Judeo-Christian values that…State StaffApril 1, 2014
Florida Florida ‘Safe Harbor’ Law Facing Problems A must read by Research Fellow for the Beverly LaHaye Institute Brenda Zurita.State StaffApril 1, 2014
Ohio Stop Common Core in Ohio You are invited to attend an expert panelist discussion on Common Core at Capitol Theater…State StaffApril 1, 2014