Texas Petition Deadline Approaching to Preserve the Religious Rights of Those in Plano, Texas As we reported last Friday, on December 8, 2014, an ordinance for the city of…State StaffJanuary 13, 2015
South Dakota Poised and Ready to Pray and Act During South Dakota’s 2015 Legislative Session Dear CWA Friends, The 2015 South Dakota Legislative Session begins TODAY! During this 39-day session,…State StaffJanuary 13, 2015
California CWA of California Partners with California for Life’s Campaign Moms, Dads, Grandparents, Teachers, Pastors, You have a great opportunity to engage in the fight…State StaffJanuary 12, 2015
Montana Montana High School Association Transgender Policy Consideration IMMEDIATE ACTION NEEDED The Montana High School Association (MHSA) will be meeting this Friday, January…State StaffJanuary 12, 2015
Georgia Join Us at the Standing for Our Faith Rally Join CWA of Georgia at the rally! Atlanta Fire Chief Kelvin Cochran was fired last…State StaffJanuary 10, 2015
Texas Prayer & Action Alert: The Rights of Those in Plano, Texas, Are at Risk Yet Special Rights for Some May Be the New Policy Whether you live in Plano or not, it is important that you continue to read.…State StaffJanuary 10, 2015
Maine Merry Christmas! "For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given, and the…State StaffDecember 25, 2014
Texas Plano Ordinance Recklessly Endangers Woman and Defies Religious Freedom On December 8, 2014, the mayor of Plano, Harry La Rosiliere, introduced a non-discrimination ordinance…State StaffDecember 22, 2014
Washington December Action Alert – In God We Trust December 18, 2014 Dear CWA of Washington Member, In God We Trust—what a wonderful national…State StaffDecember 18, 2014
Washington Are You An Encourager? We live in challenging times. I’m sure you’ll agree that much fervent prayer is needed…State StaffDecember 18, 2014
Georgia Atlanta Fire Chief Suspended Because of Religious Beliefs At the end of November, Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed handed Atlanta Fire Chief Kelvin Cochran…State StaffDecember 17, 2014
Texas Texas Contractors Quit Planned Parenthood Abortion Facility Cappadonna Electrical Contractors and, just lately, Ingram Ready Mix Suppliers have walked off Planned Parenthood’s…State StaffDecember 17, 2014
Wisconsin Merry Christmas from CWA of Wisconsin! Take a moment to read our Christmas letter to you.State StaffDecember 17, 2014
Texas What are the Differences Between the Democratic and Republican Party in Texas? Have you ever wondered what the differences are between the Democratic Party and Republican Party…State StaffDecember 16, 2014
Virginia Eye Witness Account: Traditional Values Win Over “Pro-Transgender Activists” in Virginia School It’s been thirty-three years since Jesus set me free from homosexuality. I had always imagined…State StaffDecember 16, 2014
North Dakota Merry Christmas From CWA of North Dakota! Please take a moment to read our Christmas letter to you.State StaffDecember 10, 2014
Texas Merry Christmas From CWA of Texas! Please take a moment to read our Christmas letter to you.State StaffDecember 10, 2014
Iowa Merry Chirstmas From CWA of Iowa! Please take a moment to read our Christmas letter to you right now.State StaffDecember 10, 2014
South Dakota Are You An Encourager? We live in challenging times. I’m sure you’ll agree that much fervent prayer is needed…State StaffDecember 9, 2014
California Merry Christmas From CWA of California! Greetings Dear Californians! We at Concerned Women for America of California wish you and your…State StaffDecember 9, 2014