South Dakota Override Gov. Daugaard’s Veto “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap…State StaffMarch 3, 2016
CaliforniaUncategorized The Unspoken Coercive Element of Abortion Area Director Kori Peterson referenced in article published on by CWA Policy Analyst Hannah…State StaffMarch 3, 2016
North Carolina ACT NOW: Ask Gov. McCrory to Stop Charlotte’s Bathroom Ordinance Concerned Women for America (CWA) of North Carolina urges Gov. Pat McCrory to protect our…State StaffMarch 3, 2016
South Dakota Governor Vetoes School Privacy Bill Dear CWA Friends, By now you have probably heard that yesterday Gov. Daugaard vetoed HB1008,…State StaffMarch 2, 2016
Georgia Casino Gambling Stopped In Georgia Praising God for a mighty victory in the Georgia legislature. The efforts to expand predatory…State StaffFebruary 29, 2016
South Dakota CWA of South Dakota February 29 Legislative Update “For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the…State StaffFebruary 29, 2016
California CWA of California Encourager-A-Legislator Participants Visit the State Capitol Last week CWA of California Encourage-A-Legislator participants Patricia Thompson and Sandy Prosser stopped by the…State StaffFebruary 29, 2016
South Dakota URGENT – CWA of South Dakota February 29 Legislative Update “Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes,…State StaffFebruary 29, 2016
Georgia Alert! Georgia House to vote on casinos but silent on religious freedom The expansion of state-sponsored predatory gambling could be heading to Georgia if we do not…State StaffFebruary 28, 2016
Florida Florida Pastor Protection Bill in Jeopardy – Your Prayers and Actions are Needed! Florida Senate Bill 110, known as the Pastor Protection Bill, was temporarily suspended from the…State StaffFebruary 25, 2016
Texas South Texas Takes on the Issues of National Security and Planned Parenthood Dear Members, Many thanks to the globe-trotting MerryLynn Gerstenschlager for speaking at our meeting at…State StaffFebruary 25, 2016
South Dakota CWA of South Dakota February 24 Legislative Update “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will…State StaffFebruary 24, 2016
North Carolina Charlotte City Council Votes YES to Males in Female Bathrooms “We the people” were not heard! After hearing over two and a half hours of…State StaffFebruary 24, 2016
Kansas Kansas Education Committee Passes Common Core Bill – HB 2292 Four years of effort by CWA of Kansas and other pro-family groups has been put…State StaffFebruary 23, 2016
Georgia New! Civils rights in Georgia for sexual orientation/gender identity? Update on HB 849 - Georgia's potential "bathroom bill" HB 849, the “Georgia Civil Rights…State StaffFebruary 23, 2016
Hawaii Push Back Against Planned Parenthood State Director Barbara Ferraro's letter to the editor in the West Hawaii Today newspaper. View…State StaffFebruary 22, 2016
Georgia Urgent! Georgia Senate Advances Religious Freedom Bill – We Are Almost There! The Georgia Senate passed an improved version of HB 757, the Pastor Protection Act, on…State StaffFebruary 22, 2016
Kansas Large Crowd Rallies for Religious Freedom CWA referenced in The Topeka Capital-Journal ( as co-sponsor of this great event attended by…State StaffFebruary 18, 2016
North Carolina Stop the North Carolina Bathroom Ordinance: Pray, Contribute to Ad Blitz and Attend this Monday’s Rally Dear Friend, Concerned Women for America of North Carolina cares deeply about the laws made…State StaffFebruary 17, 2016
South Dakota CWA of South Dakota Reports – Victory in the Senate! “The moral principles and precepts contained in the Scriptures ought to form the basis of all our…State StaffFebruary 17, 2016