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Send Victorious ACB to the Supreme Court

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Prepared Remarks by Doreen Denny, Vice President of Government Relations

Confirm Amy Event Following Senate Judiciary Committee Vote Approving Judge Amy Coney Barrett’s Nomination to the U. S. Supreme Court

October 22, 2020

I’m here today on behalf of Penny Nance and all those participating with us as we ride our Women for Amy bus across America.

We’ve logged 3,200 miles since October 6 – starting in Georgia and South Carolina and rolling through South Bend, Indiana, and Iowa among other critical states. Today we’re headed to Texas then Arizona – another 1,500 miles to wrap up our 4-week, 12-state tour.

And I can report that in every place we’ve stopped women are excited and energized about Judge Barrett, soon to be Associate Justice of the Supreme Court.

As Chairman Graham passionately stated: for conservative women, this confirmation is not just about breaking through a glass ceiling, it’s about busting through a reinforced concrete barrier.

Today’s Judiciary Committee action to send Amy Coney Barrett to the Senate for a final vote is a moonshot being witnessed by young conservative women across America who feel they are being censored by a cancel culture. They are wondering if there will ever be a seat at the table for them. Today, the answer is YES – You do not have to compromise your beliefs. Your voice matters. Stand tall and stand proud.

Our daughters, including my own, see in Judge Barrett the strength that comes when a woman of conviction thinks for herself, pursues excellence in her profession, and embraces the values of faith and family that are the unshakable foundations of her life.

We celebrate this moment as a milestone for conservative women who have experienced the disdain and bigotry of the left for far too long. We agree with Judge Barrett in upholding the foundation of our Constitution as the bedrock of our freedoms.

Sen. Joni Ernst (R-Iowa) and Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tennessee) have played an important role representing our voice and values in this process, and we are especially grateful to have had them on the Judiciary Committee for this confirmation.

There is no woman in America more ready and more qualified to be wearing the robe of an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court than Amy Coney Barrett. She will carry a banner for women of faith across America to the highest court.

Today’s boycott by Senate Democrats is nothing more than a political stunt. Americans know Amy Coney Barrett deserves to be confirmed based on her qualifications and her character. We urge all Senators to exercise their duty to advise and consent on that basis alone and vote YES on her confirmation.

The American people are waiting to receive a Victorious ACB on the Supreme Court with the same spirit they embraced the Notorious RBG.

Thank you.

Click here for a .pdf version of the remarks.