Praise, glory, and honor be unto You, Jehovah Jireh!
Speak to us, as You spoke at Mt. Sinai.
May our songs, declaring the goodness of Your works,
Be heard in all the earth, now and forever more.
We worship through obedience, oh God;
Help us in our weaknesses.
We strive to live, as our ancestors said,
“All that the Lord has spoken we will do.”
Yet, we know this is impossible in our own strength.
We are in desperate need of Your anointing –
Your loving guidance and stern rebuke.
Abba, Father, hear our earnest prayer.
Blot out our transgressions, and
Let Your Holy Spirit guide us and
Sanctify us to be more like You
In everything we do.
We yearn to be the salt and light
You have called us to be here in our land.
We hurt for our brethren, our compatriots,
Who seek after that which is not.
Our hearts move with compassion as we see
Their need and desperation.
Help us to bring Your life-giving water
To those who thirst insatiably for something they know not.
Open the doors that we may come to the aid of all in need,
From the man in the street to those in the highest positions of government.
Touch the hearts and minds of millions, Father;
May revival break out in America, once again.
May we re-learn the truths we have forgotten,
Compel us to trust in You again.
May we love each other with genuine affection;
Let the sacrifices of praise be spontaneously heard in our public squares.
In the Holy name of Jesus,
Through Whom all things were created,
We pray,