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For America (Day 64)

By September 19, 2016Prayer
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Dearest Lord and Father,
We grieve for our brethren;
We grieve for our children;
We grieve for our land.

We have lost our way
And seek for all kinds of methods
To quench this pronounced thirst,
Only to make it worse.

For You are the Living Water,
The only source for our satisfaction,
Yet we continue to drift farther
And farther away from your counsel.

Open our eyes, Lord.
Forgive us our trespasses,
And give us new hearts that
Are sensitive to your statutes.

Hearts that seek You first above all else
Knowing all our material needs in this world
Will be added unto us,
For You care for us.

You love us and know us.
What a marvelous thought, oh God.
You know our doubts and insecurities,
Our poor self-esteem and our distorted vision.

You know our most intimate needs
And, as with the prodigal son,
You allow us to fail in our own strength
While we are still finding our way.

Help us find our way back to You,
For You are the only way,
And we will find, through grace,
Your open arms still await us.

To feast and celebrate our return …
Where we belong,
Under God,
In that indivisible bond of love.


Click here for more prayers from our For America Prayer Journal.