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CWA Rallies at the Supreme Court for Free Speech

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The case is  303 Creative LLC v. Elenis, where the U.S. Supreme Court will decide whether the government can force Americans to speak the government’s desired message contrary to the citizen’s core beliefs. 

Lorie Smith owns a design studio, 303 Creative, specializing in graphic and website design. She left the corporate world to start her own small business in 2012 so she could use her skills to promote causes consistent with her beliefs. She was excited to expand her portfolio to create websites that celebrate marriage between a man and a woman, but Colorado wants to prevent her from doing so, unless she promotes same-sex weddings. Lorie works with all people but decides which projects to design based on the message she’s being asked to express. She does not base it on who requests it.  Lori is challenging the constitutionality of the law as applied to her.

CWA was there to stand with Lorie because, simply put,  the government should not be able to force Americans to say things they do not believe.

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