CWA of Washington September Action Alert – Occupy Until He Returns

By September 11, 2015Washington

Dear CWA of Washington Member and Friend,

“Occupy until I return” (KJV) or “Do business till I return” (NKJV) is the mandate our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ expressed in the parable about the ten minas (Luke 19:13).  But the citizens hated the nobleman and refused to submit to his reign.  When he returned, he called each servant to account for his role in the business while he was gone. Rewards were to be given out according to how well the servants performed.

During the Uganda revival, Jackson Senyonga stated, “The condition of the society is the report card of the church.”  What blessing or even protection can we expect from God when we look around at our decaying culture?  How is the Body of Christ engaging the culture?  Is it?  Isn’t it time for each Bible-based believer to come out of the closet and stand on the wall to defend our culture?  The secularization of our nation is splintering us as a people and destroying the foundations upon which we were built:  “If the foundations are destroyed, what can the righteous do?” (Psalm 11:3) I agree with Bishop Jackson, president of STAND (Staying True to America’s National Destiny), who has stated about the Supreme Court’s marriage decision, “It is as if a collective madness has settled over our nation’s elite, and they are trying hard to bring everyone under the same cloud of confusion.”  Yet, our “God is not the author of confusion” (1 Cor. 14:33), so what are YOU willing to do?  Prayer is the first step, but as James stated, “Faith without works is dead.” (James 2:20)

CWA’s President and CEO Penny Nance has recently encouraged believers to stand firm with these words: “Therefore, we do not despair. We have much work to do to reestablish a pro-marriage, pro-family culture in our nation, but we embrace the challenges ahead, knowing that we stand on solid ground when we say that marriage, as intended by God, is the best model for strong, healthy, stable families that serve as the only secure foundation for our society’s future.”

CWA’s Legal Counsel Mario Diaz has stated:  “The conscience of our nation is crying out at every corner: ‘Danger ahead! Turn!’ Our response will determine the course of American history. But, as these attacks on religious liberty remind us, time is running out. No question about that.”

Will you stand with Concerned Women for America and many other Christian leaders in declaring that we will not yield to the “collective madness”?  The fight to defend and protect our Bible-based foundation, our religious liberty, God’s creation of family, and natural marriage is not over. It is just beginning.

Please sign up to become a CWA activist by forming a Prayer/Action Chapter or Home Team.  Gather together once a month or more often to pray for our nation, our faith, our families and our freedoms or gather e-mail friends in a Home Team and send out CWA prayer requests for our nation and our state.  Write letters to the editor and to your state legislators urging them to consider what the state needs to be doing in the next legislative session to protect the religious liberties of their citizens. Contact Washington’s Congressional delegation and let them know where you stand on the issues. Then educate your family members, church friends, perhaps your pastor(s) on what’s happening and ask them to join you on the wall to protect our nation before the enemy completely overwhelms us.  Prayer is powerful; let’s engage fully in the cultural battle with our prayers preceding God’s army!

Our responsibility is to humble ourselves, pray and seek His face, and turn from our wicked ways (2 Chronicles 7:14).  Only then will our God hear our prayers, forgive our sins, and heal our land.   As CWA Legal Counsel Mario Diaz states with regard to the jailing of Kim Davis in Kentucky for her choice to obey God:  “May the Holy Spirit guard and guide Kim Davis wherever she goes.  And may it guide us in our journey to stand boldly for God’s truth, whatever the cost.”

God is listening; are you asking?  Join CWA of Washington in concerted, sincere, urgent prayer for an awakening and spiritual revival in this nation and in our state.  Then, in the spirit of James 2:20, let us know what you are willing to do, then let us know what happens in your community when you and like-minded believers pray earnestly.

Please click here to renew your CWA membership for 2015 and/or here to apply for a CWA leadership position.

Called to His Service

Maureen Richardson
State Director
CWA of Washington
PO Box 143
Woodinville, WA 98072

Membership form, Leadership application