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The Supreme Court Invalidates Millions of Votes, Imposes Same-Sex “Marriage”

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Washington, D.C. — Today, the United States Supreme Court has issued its ruling on the marriage cases (Obergefell v. Hodges). Penny Nance, CEO and President of Concerned Women for America, had this to say:

It is a sad day in America when nine unelected justices think themselves so powerful that they dare overturn the votes of millions of Americans who went to the voting booth to preserve marriage as it has been understood throughout history, the union between one man and one woman.

For that reason, this case is about much more than marriage and will go down in history alongside other appalling Supreme Court rulings, like Dred Scott and Roe.

Just as the lives of more than 55 million babies lost through abortion echo through the chambers of the Court every day, so the negative impact of this illegitimate decision will sound before the Court for years to come.

The Court solves nothing with this ill-advised ruling, but only intensifies the culture wars, as it did in Roe, by cutting short a healthy debate about the definition of marriage, family, and sexuality that our country is having.  All Americans should stand against such overreach, whatever their views on marriage.

Still, whatever the Justices say, we know the truth. We know that every life matters, whatever their race, and no matter if they are still in the womb.  Likewise, we know that marriage is an institution created by God as the union of one man and one woman, reflecting the relationship between Him and us.

Therefore, we do not despair. We have much work to do to reestablish a pro-marriage, pro-family culture in our nation, but we embrace the challenges ahead, knowing that we stand on solid ground when we say that marriage, as intended by God, is the best model for strong, healthy, stable families that serve as the only secure foundation for our society’s future.

Concerned Women for America will continue to work to support marriage in all areas, including combating the harmful effects of cohabitation, divorce, and the redefinition of marriage.

Click here for an audio excerpt of this statement.

Concerned Women for America is the nation’s largest public policy women’s organization.
