Virginia Virginia: MLK’s Niece Encourages People to Vote A report by WAVY-TV 10. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s niece was in Hampton Monday…CWALAC StaffOctober 10, 2012
Virginia Virginia: Monday, October 8 – Dr. Alveda King to Speak at She Vote 2012 Events Join us in Hampton or Newport News. This is an experience of a lifetime!CWALAC StaffSeptember 28, 2012
Virginia State Board of Health Revisited the Abortion Clinic Regulations and Licensures CWA of Virginia was there as tougher regulations were put on Virginia abortion clinics.CWALAC StaffSeptember 18, 2012
Virginia Virginia: Tidewater She Votes 2012 Field Director Takes To The Air Ways Weekly pro-life radio program asks Linda Wall to explain CWA's Get Out The Vote ProjectCWALAC StaffSeptember 7, 2012
Virginia Virginia: Janet Robey Represents CWA Legislative Action Committee at Virginia Women Speak Out: Abortion is Not Health Care – August 26, 2012 View Janet's comments at marker 2:05.CWALAC StaffSeptember 5, 2012
Virginia August 7, 2012 MEDIA ADVISORY: CWA To Stop in Virginia Aug. 8-9 on the She Votes 2012 Bus Tour Concerned Women for America CEO and President Penny Nance and supporters are ready to roll…CWALAC StaffAugust 10, 2012
Virginia UPDATE: The Lisa and Isabella Miller Story The story continues with a criminal complaint from the Federal Government now being brought against…CWALAC StaffAugust 7, 2012
Virginia She Vote’s Ruckersville Launch Meeting a Success Our Ladies and their faithful men left inspired to be more proactive and proved their…CWALAC StaffJuly 27, 2012
Virginia Virginia: She Votes 2012 Push Cards Get the word out about She Votes 2012 with these convenient push cards.CWALAC StaffJuly 24, 2012
Virginia Virginia: CWA of Virginia Invites You to She Votes 2012 Conference Call – July 26 Please join us!CWALAC StaffJuly 24, 2012
Virginia CWA of Virginia Writes Open Letter to Lynchburg’s Randolph College President John Klein Concerning Recent Play, ‘Bug’ One review stated, "CWALAC StaffJuly 21, 2012
Virginia Virginia: She Votes 2012 Event – Roanoke – July 28 You can be a part of something big, something beyond yourself! Make a difference in…CWALAC StaffJuly 19, 2012
Virginia CWA of Virginia Now Offering Church Voter Registration Drive Virtual Training Yet another part of our exciting She Votes 2012 Project. Sign up today and invite…CWALAC StaffJuly 12, 2012
Virginia July 7 – She Votes 2012 Training and Action Event Join us in Ruckersville, just north of Charlottesville, for a fun time of inspiration, training…CWALAC StaffJune 20, 2012
Virginia Virginians, Please Thank Gov. McDonnell For Signing the Ultrasound Bill! Our job is not done until we have thanked the governor!CWALAC StaffMarch 8, 2012
Virginia We Rejoice Today With the Passage of HB 462 by a Vote of 21-19! This bill requires a women to receive an ultrasound prior to an abortion and given…CWALAC StaffFebruary 29, 2012
Virginia CWA of Virginia Lobbies on Several Issues at the State Capitol Including HB 462 February 20 CWA Lobby Day a success.CWALAC StaffFebruary 25, 2012
Virginia The Encouragers are Encouraged! February 6 Encourage-A-Legislator Day was great! Please consider joining us on February 20 for our…CWALAC StaffFebruary 15, 2012
Virginia CWA of Virginia Lobby Day: Monday, February 20 Please consider joining us!CWALAC StaffFebruary 15, 2012
Virginia New CWA Centreville Prayer/Action Chapter to Meet on Saturday, February 11! Please join us! If you don't live in the Centreville area but would like to…CWALAC StaffFebruary 6, 2012