On Saturday, July 7th, about twenty-three women and two men relinquished five hours of their day to come together and discuss She Votes our “Get out the Vote” project for 2012. Our Virginia ladies in Ruckersville heard from our Northern and Southern Virginia Field Directors, as well as, the State Director for Concerned Women for America of Virginia, Janet Robey. Within the meeting, we discussed voter identification, voter registration and voter activism. The Blue Ridge Cafdid a wonderful job catering the event, so that the participants could focus and be ready to hear all the information presented.
The meeting featured interaction sections for phone banking rehearsal, extended question and answer sections and finally a call to be involved. Janet Robey, Virginia CWA State Director, presented an opening with introductions both for the She Votes project and its representatives, the progress within the state this past year, and ended in sharing how to be involved in the upcoming year with Concerned Women for America of Virginia’s other programs. After which, Patricia Phillips the NOVA Field Director and Andrea Lindsey the SOVA Field Director shared the rest of the program. The first section showed both the why and how of the She Votes program participates in Voter Identification with how our canvassing and phone banking system will work. Another section included the elaboration of phases in voter registration drives leading into the final get out the vote goal.
She Vote’s Ruckersville launch meeting was a success. Saturday’s event was covered by a local TV station in an interview prior with our NOVA Field Director, Patricia Phillips. Yet, the most important result was response of the group. Our Ladies and their faithful men left inspired to be more proactive and proved their commitment by signing a Declaration of Involvement. As we are starting up our efforts, the passionate people giving their time and talents remain the most valuable resource to motivate the apathetic and uninspired voter to do their civic duty. The truth fueled by conviction, faith and patriotism of concerned citizens will be the key in this election, not money and rhetoric.
May God continue bless our efforts to protect and preserve our families, our Churches, our Virginia Commonwealth and our great United States of America!
For freedom!
Andrea Lindsey
SOVA Field Director
She Votes 2012A Get Out the Vote Project of Concerned Women for America(434) 851-3184andrea.cwfa.va@gmail.com