Press Releases CWALAC Releases Web Ad in Response to Liberal MoveOn Ad "Hollywood actresses don't speak for the women of this country, and these Hollywood actresses clearly…CWALAC StaffOctober 16, 2012
Press Releases CWALAC Announces Get-Out-The Vote Events in Missouri Oct. 15-17, 2012 Penny Nance to Attend Missouri Women For Todd Akin RallyCWALAC StaffOctober 15, 2012
Press Releases Concerned Women for America Comments on September Unemployment Rate of 7.8% We have a moral responsibility to provide for today and not pass on our financial…CWALAC StaffOctober 5, 2012
Press Releases Dr. Alveda King To Inspire Voters at Concerned Women for America Event, Monday, October 8 in Virginia Concerned Women for America (CWA) CEO and President Penny Nance announced today the following She…CWALAC StaffOctober 2, 2012
IowaPress Releases Concerned Women for America Hosts Abortion Survivor at Iowa She Votes 2012 Event "Nance: This is the face of the War on Women"CWALAC StaffSeptember 22, 2012
Press Releases CWA Urges Supporters to Stand Behind Faith-Based Hobby Lobby "We all have the power of pocketbook persuasion, that's why I encourage those of faith…CWALAC StaffSeptember 19, 2012
Press Releases September 12, 2012 PRESS RELEASE: CWA CEO and President Penny Nance Urges Support for Hobby Lobby in Light of Lawsuit vs. HHS Mandate Nance: "I encourage people across the country to shop their values and support Hobby Lobby."CWALAC StaffSeptember 13, 2012
Press Releases Penny Nance Extends Prayers to Family Research Council After Shooting Concerned Women for America is asking our members to be in prayer for our brothers…CWALAC StaffAugust 15, 2012
Press ReleasesSanctity of Life Statement of Penny Nance Regarding Nellie Gray I pray young ladies see Miss Gray's example and follow in her very big footsteps…CWALAC StaffAugust 14, 2012
Press ReleasesSanctity of Life CWALAC CEO and President Penny Nance Comments on Mitt Romney Naming Paul Ryan as VP Running Mate Paul Ryan is an energetic and solid social conservative. He has tirelessly supported the unborn…CWALAC StaffAugust 11, 2012
Press ReleasesSanctity of Life CWA CEO and President Penny Nance Comments on Sandra Fluke Joining the Obama Campaign Appeal to Women We celebrate the fact that Sandra Fluke is gainfully employed so she can pay for…CWALAC StaffAugust 8, 2012
Press ReleasesSanctity of Life Late-Term Abortion in Our Nation’s Capital Concerned Women for America President and CEO Penny Nance has released the following statement in…CWALAC StaffAugust 1, 2012
Press Releases CWA Applauds House for Repealing ObamaCare We are pleased that the House took quick action to right the wrong of government…CWALAC StaffJuly 11, 2012
Press Releases CWA Responds to President Obama’s Push to Tax Middle Class Families and Job Creators The president's tax increase is a grain of sand in the ocean when it comes…CWALAC StaffJuly 9, 2012
Press Releases Concerned Women for America Launches She Votes 2012 Program This Weekend in Virginia Field directors will use phone-banks, social media, and public events to encourage voter participation.CWALAC StaffJuly 6, 2012
Press Releases Concerned Women for America Kicks off She Votes 2012 This Saturday in Virginia This is a critical election and we need to work hard to elect like-minded conservatives…CWALAC StaffJuly 5, 2012
Press ReleasesSexual Exploitation CWA Responds to Supreme Court Ruling on Broadcast Decency Standards This is a very narrow ruling that should really affirm the FCC's power to enforce…CWALAC StaffJune 21, 2012
National SovereigntyPress Releases CWA Launches Multi-Million Dollar Ad Buy Highlighting Side Effects of Government-Run Health Care As the country awaits the Supreme Court decision on government-mandated health care, Concerned Women for…CWALAC StaffJune 20, 2012
Press Releases Concerned Women for America Kicks off She Votes 2012 in North Carolina The time is now for women in "The Tar Heel State" to stand up and…CWALAC StaffJune 14, 2012
Press Releases Concerned Women for America Launches “She Votes 2012” The "She Votes 2012" campaign will work to mobilize members in key states to change…CWALAC StaffJune 12, 2012