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CWALAC Releases Web Ad in Response to Liberal MoveOn Ad

By October 16, 2012Press Releases
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Nance: “Hollywood actresses don’t speak for the women of this country, and these Hollywood actresses clearly don’t understand the issues.”

WASHINGTON D.C. – In response to a web video by liberal advocacy group, Concerned Women for America Legislative Action Committee (CWALAC) unveiled an ad today which speaks the real voice of women and clarifies the real record of conservatives.

“Hollywood actresses don’t speak for the women of this country, and these Hollywood actresses clearly don’t understand the issues,” said CWALAC CEO and President Penny Nance. “The women of this country want to protect their religious liberties, which are being taken away by the current administration. And the women of this country are concerned about more than their ‘lady parts’ this election; they are concerned about our economy and our national security.”

To view the CWALAC web ad, click here:

The following is text of the ad:

I want to talk to you about women …

Hollywood women.

You know, the ones with the personal stylists, a three-bedroom wardrobe, and so into themselves they actually think they speak for all women.

In a recent ad, some of them tried to scare women by saying that Romney wants to “overturn” Roe v. Wade.

Have they ever heard of the separation of powers? Presidents don’t overturn Supreme Court cases.

But I’ll tell you what they can do. They can make sure these Hollywood elitists don’t succeed in making those of us who actually value human life, including the unborn, pay for another woman’s abortion.

Talk about invasive. …

[TEXT] Vote your conscience.

[TEXT] Do not let Hollywood manipulate your vote!

[TEXT] This message brought to you by Concerned Women for America Legislative Action Committee,