Missouri CWA of Missouri: Grateful for Secretary of State Jay Ashcroft Recommended article by CWA of Missouri: Missouri abortion law critics won't seek signatures for vote Concerned…Bev EhlenAugust 16, 2019
Missouri CWA Prayer/Action Chapter Opportunities Are you ready to take your knowledge and put it into action? If so, a…Bev EhlenJuly 25, 2019
Missouri CWA of Missouri laments the decision to allow Planned Parenthood-STL to continue to do abortions, for now. State Panel issues order-abortions can continue at Planned Parenthood in St. Louis. CWA of Missouri…Bev EhlenJune 28, 2019
Missouri Dispute over Planned Parenthood goes to Missouri Commission Recommended article by CWA of Missouri: License dispute over Missouri's last abortion clinic heads to…Bev EhlenJune 25, 2019
Missouri DHSS Gets it Right About Planned Parenthood Recommended article by CWA of Missouri: Fate of Missouri's only abortion clinic in hands of…Bev EhlenJune 23, 2019
Missouri Missouri Denies Planned Parenthood New License Recommended article by CWA of Missouri: Missouri denies Planned Parenthood new license to administer abortions…Bev EhlenJune 21, 2019
Missouri CWA of Missouri 2019 Session Wrap-Up Missouri’s 100th General Assembly, First Regular Session, ended on Friday, May 17. It was a…Bev EhlenJune 10, 2019
Missouri CWA of Missouri Easter Project AD2019 (Deadline is approaching to participate) CWA of Missouri has traditionally presented gifts to the members of the Missouri General Assembly…Bev EhlenApril 3, 2019
Missouri URGENT: Help to Pass “the Strongest Pro-Life Bill Ever Attempted in the United States” On Wednesday, February 26, the Missouri House of Representatives passed HB126, the Missouri Stands for…Bev EhlenFebruary 28, 2019
Missouri Last Week in Review – Some Great Bills and Great Interaction with Members It was another busy week at the Capitol. There were some great bills filed, some…Bev EhlenFebruary 19, 2019
Missouri Medical Data Privacy At Risk – Call Needed Today! Dear Friend, The Narcotics Control Act (HB188) sponsored by Rep. Holly Rehder (R-Sikeston) would implement…Bev EhlenFebruary 11, 2019
Missouri CWA of Missouri is on the Move! Things are really moving at the State Capitol! CWA of Missouri sponsored several events last…Bev EhlenJanuary 31, 2019
Missouri Missouri Gets a New Attorney General, Officials Hope For Calm Recommended reading.Bev EhlenJanuary 5, 2019
Missouri Missouri State Legislators Need Your Prayers and Encouragement Dear Friend, We are excited to continue our Encourage-A-Legislator (EAL) program into 2019! I often…Bev EhlenDecember 4, 2018
Missouri Recommended Reading: Parson Appoints Schmitt as Next Attorney General Parson appoints Schmitt as next Attorney General State StaffNovember 13, 2018
Missouri Are You Ready to Vote on November 6? Check Out Our Helpful Missouri Resources! There are many candidates and ballot issues for the voters in Missouri to consider on…State StaffOctober 25, 2018
Missouri Get Out the Vote with CWA of Missouri! Dear Friend, As you know, we are at a breaking point in history where the…State StaffOctober 25, 2018
Missouri Statewide Ballot Issues Need help understanding the seven ballot issues on this November 6 ballot? No worries! Check…State StaffOctober 24, 2018
Missouri A Thank You is in Order for Five Missouri Members of the U.S. House of Representatives Dear Friend, Five of our U.S. Representatives from Missouri have been successful in dealing another…State StaffOctober 4, 2018