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Get Out the Vote with CWA of Missouri!

By October 25, 2018Missouri
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Dear Friend, 

As you know, we are at a breaking point in history where the rule of law and civil discourse are being threaten by some politicians and radical activists who insist on getting their way, no matter what. Some are actually inciting that violence be directed at those with whom they disagree.

It is up to you and me to stand up to this mob mentality by praying against these malicious tactics and voting this November.  Will it be mob rule or the rule of law?!

There are three simple steps that can have a significant impact on our state and nation’s future.  Please join us in carrying them out.  

#1 Pray
As a Christian organization, we are first and foremost committed to prayer. As November 6 approaches, will you join us in praying for our state and nation? Please join us by setting a time daily to pray for this next election. Will you do that? Set an alarm on your phone, your computer, put a sticky note on your mirror, whatever works.

#2 Encourage
As a Christian organization, we are committed to educating and encouraging others to vote. Will you join us in this? Encourage friends and family through Facebook, twitter, email, etc.

#3 Vote
It is our duty, as citizens and as Christians, to participate in the process by both praying and voting. The institution of government was ordained by God as seen in Romans 13:1-4.

It’s that simple, vote.  Vote on November 6 or vote absentee ballot. In Missouri, we can vote by absentee ballot in person starting 42 days before and ending one day prior to Election Day with a valid excuse. Absentee ballots by mail are due seven days before Election Day. For more information, visit:

Take a look at the Candidates for U.S. Senate: 

Voted NO on Justice Kavanaugh: Claire McCaskill (D-Missouri), “I will vote NO on Judge Kavanaugh.”

Supported Justice Kavanaugh: Josh Hawley (R-Missouri), “These were deliberate maneuvers … to exploit Dr. Ford and ultimately block Judge Kavanaugh’s confirmation process. All of this for political gain and at the price of smearing Judge Kavanaugh.”

Information on additional candidates to come. 

Two push cards to freely print and distribute:

Helpful Missouri Voter Resources – Be watching for my email tomorrow that will include a variety of voter guides, ballot measure descriptions, and more.

Together we will impact our state and nation’s future – Pray, Encourage, and Vote!

Bev Ehlen
State Director
CWA of Missouri