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Medical Data Privacy At Risk – Call Needed Today!

By February 11, 2019Missouri
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Dear Friend,

The Narcotics Control Act (HB188) sponsored by Rep. Holly Rehder (R-Sikeston) would implement a statewide Prescription Data Base Program (PDMP).

Concerned Women for America (CWA) has as one of its concerns the prevalence of drug and substance abuse in our country. While The Narcotics Control Act sounds good on the surface, CWA of Missouri have two major concerns with HB 188.

  1. “Doctor shopping” would not be prevented. Supporters of HB 188 say the PDMP is designed to stop the “doctor shopping” that is symptomatic of opioid abuse. However, HB188 does not require physicians to check the database before they prescribe an opioid. HB188 also does not require that a pharmacist check the database before filling a prescription for opioids.
  2. Data privacy could be at risk. The database created by HB188 would contain the information of patients who get prescriptions not only for opioids but also for stimulants like Ritalyn, sleeping aids such as Ambian, and anti-depressants. HB188 captures any prescription for Schedule II, III or IV drugs. The database would be accessible by anyone in the office to whom the physician gave permission, not just licensed medical professionals. Additionally, the database created by HB188 can be made available to other public and private entities who can use the data for statistical, research, or educational purposes. Would “big pharma” take that data to fine-tune their marketing? This type of excessive data gathering is an invasion of privacy.

Take action now!

Knowing the facts about the database that HB188 would create, and why it would not work any better than it has in the other states, while risking the privacy of Missourians who take Schedule II, III or IV prescriptions, we are asking you to contact your state representative and ask him/her to vote no on Third Read (the final vote during this process) on HB188. Be sure to let them know that you are a member of Concerned Women for America of Missouri.

This vote could come as early as TODAY, Monday, February 11, at 4:00 p.m.

Click here if you don’t know who your state representative is. Enter your address and you will be linked to the information for your state representative, state senator and other elected officials

You’ll want to check the list of votes for the perfection vote on HB188 held in the House on Wednesday, February 6. There were 43 representatives who did vote no on HB188 at that time. If yours was one of them, you will want to thank your state representative for voting no and encourage them to vote no on Third Read.

Please pray HB 188 would be thwarted.

Thank you,

Bev Ehlen
State Director
CWA of Missouri