BlogCEOErasing WomenNews and EventsSexual Exploitation Real Clear Politics: Feminists, Conservatives Join Forces to Oppose ‘Equality Act’ Penny Nance, CWA's CEO and President, co-authored a recent opinion piece with Natasha Chart, Board…Penny NanceMay 10, 2019
Erasing WomenFeminist / Women's IssuesNews and Events Listen to Dr. Shea Garrison, Vice President for International Affairs discuss The “Equality Act” Dr. Shea Garrison, Vice President for International Affairs was featured on Truth for…Dr. Shea GarrisonMay 7, 2019
Erasing WomenLegislative UpdatesNews and EventsPress ReleasesSexual Exploitation The “Equality Act’s” Transactivist Agenda is a Direct Assault on Women The American People Deserve Better On Wednesday, the House Judiciary Committee rejected conservative attempts…Dr. Toni DeLanceyMay 1, 2019
Erasing WomenMedia RelationsNews and EventsPress Releases Christian Conservative Women and Radical Feminists Agree: Women and Girls would be harmed by the Equality Act Washington, D.C. -- Today, the House Judiciary Committee will markup the Equality Act (HR 5), which…Dr. Toni DeLanceyMay 1, 2019
Erasing WomenLegislative UpdatesNews and EventsSexual Exploitation US Equality Act: Gender Identity Impact Summary Equality Act HR5 2019-SummaryDoreen DennyApril 30, 2019
Erasing WomenLegislative UpdatesNews and EventsSexual Exploitation CWA Equality Act Letter CWA Equality Act Letter to Congress - April 30, 2019Doreen DennyApril 19, 2019
Erasing WomenFeminist / Women's IssuesMarriageNews and EventsSexual ExploitationWomen's Sports Is It Fair Play? How Female Athletes Are Losing in the Age of Gender Identity I’m the mother of two athletes, a son who currently plays college baseball and a…Doreen DennyApril 17, 2019
BlogErasing WomenLegislative UpdatesNews and EventsSexual Exploitation Congressional Hearings on the So-Called “Equality Act” Expose True Threats to Women and Girls Congress is debating the “Equality Act,” a top-ten priority of Speaker Pelosi (D-California) and House…Doreen DennyApril 12, 2019
Erasing WomenLegislative UpdatesNews and EventsSexual ExploitationWomen's Sports Fair Play? Women’s Athletics in the Age of Gender Identity Fair Play? Women’s Athletics in the Age of Gender Identity, Heritage Foundation - April 8,…Doreen DennyApril 8, 2019
BlogDefense of FamilyErasing WomenLegislative UpdatesNews and EventsSexual Exploitation Don’t be fooled ladies — the Equality Act is a threat to all of us How can people like Ginni Rometty, the first female CEO of IBM, so easily jump…Doreen DennyApril 1, 2019
CounterpointErasing WomenNews and EventsSocial / Cultural IssuesUnited Nations Trump UN Social Policy Strengthens U.S.-Foreign Relations – Reject Neocolonialism and Uphold National Sovereignty This Counterpoint examines recent trends in international relations, concluding, among other things, that promoting “progressive”…Dr. Shea GarrisonFebruary 21, 2019
BlogErasing WomenNews and Events The Inequality of the “Equality Act” On Monday the Heritage Foundation hosted a panel discussion titled, “The Inequality of the Equality…Jaime BallewFebruary 1, 2019
BlogCEODefense of FamilyErasing WomenNews and EventsSexual Exploitation Do Transgender Rights Trump Women’s Rights? The Left Needs to Decide As the Left have attempted to stake their claim as the only group who represents…Penny NanceAugust 6, 2017