Florida It is Time for Both Churches and Synagogues Alike to Rise Up and Become Politically Active Read how two individuals are inspiring both Christian and Jew to save our great country.CWALAC StaffOctober 7, 2010
Florida It’s time for Floridians to stand up for the Biblical definition of marriage! Find out how!CWALAC StaffOctober 7, 2010
Florida Join the CWA of Florida Team! We have more than 22,000 CWA members in the state of Florida with local chapters…CWALAC StaffOctober 7, 2010
Florida Educate Yourself On What Will Be On Florida’s November Ballot As of September 1, 2010, there were six Florida Constitutional Amendments listed. Educate yourself now…CWALAC StaffOctober 7, 2010
Florida CWA of Florida Salutes U.S. Veterans Take a moment and remember . . . and teach your children . . .…CWALAC StaffOctober 7, 2010
Florida Florida School Board Bans Bibles on Religious Freedom Day On July 1, 2010 Collier County Banned - FreedomCWALAC StaffOctober 7, 2010
National SovereigntyWashington Tithe or Tax? A Message from the Spending Revolt RallyCWALAC StaffOctober 5, 2010
National Sovereignty ObamaCare Breaks the Top Ten Obama is again turning to religious leaders to convince us...or, as Politico put it, to…CWALAC StaffOctober 5, 2010
Press ReleasesSanctity of Life Abortion Pill RU-486 Takes Two More Lives Washington, D.C. - The abortion drug RU-486 has claimed two more women's lives. The Centers…CWALAC StaffOctober 1, 2010
New Hampshire Encourage-A-Legislator Ministry Join us as we pray for our elected officials and encourage them. Sign up today!CWALAC StaffOctober 1, 2010
Legal Judge Chatigny Must Wait for Another Day This week the U.S. Senate was poised to move forward with the confirmation of Judge…CWALAC StaffSeptember 30, 2010
LegalNational Sovereignty Christians Arrested for Evangelizing Muslims While national attention is on the mosque at Ground Zero, there has been a growing…CWALAC StaffSeptember 30, 2010
Sanctity of Life Planned Parenthood’s “Service” Numbers Released Planned Parenthood Federation of America has been shy about releasing service and financial information; and…CWALAC StaffSeptember 30, 2010
National SovereigntyPress Releases Obama Recess Appointees Even too Radical to be Confirmed by Democrat Controlled Senate James Martin, Chairman, 60 Plus AssociationDavid N. Bossie, President, Citizens UnitedGary Bauer, President, American ValuesWilliam…CWALAC StaffSeptember 30, 2010
New Hampshire CWA of New Hampshire Now Has It’s Own Show On TV! View us on local access TV to find out about current and potential public policies…CWALAC StaffSeptember 29, 2010
Legal “Sorry” Doesn’t Cut It: Abuse of Power Should Not Be Rewarded Does President Obama seriously believe that, out of all the judges available for him to…CWALAC StaffSeptember 29, 2010
LAC Hot Topics/Alerts The Tea Party Unites Fiscal and Social Conservatism It's not surprising that tea partiers also happen to be those who hold faith to…CWALAC StaffSeptember 28, 2010
National Sovereignty The Tea Party Unites Fiscal and Social Conservatism It's not surprising that tea partiers also happen to be those who hold faith to…CWALAC StaffSeptember 28, 2010
LAC Hot Topics/Alerts Murkowski: unsportsmanlike woman of the year Murkowski lost her race fair and square and needs to grow up. She was an…CWALAC StaffSeptember 27, 2010
National Sovereignty Murkowski: unsportsmanlike woman of the year Murkowski lost her race fair and square and needs to grow up. She was an…CWALAC StaffSeptember 27, 2010