Washington, D.C. Concerned Women for America (CWA) CEO Penny Nance released the following statement on…
CWALAC StaffMay 24, 2011
The Coptic Christians have been begging for protection from the new Egyptian government without any…
CWALAC StaffMay 23, 2011
"We commend the US Senate for refusing to confirm radical judge Goodwin Liu's nomination to…
CWALAC StaffMay 20, 2011
On September 15, 2011, CWA will present an in-depth discussion with experts on America's most…
CWALAC StaffMay 20, 2011
We do not want judges to conduct social experiments in the courtroom. We want judges…
CWALAC StaffMay 19, 2011
CWA of Iowa was honored to be included in a ceremony to witness Governor Branstad's…
CWALAC StaffMay 19, 2011
A recent Queerty blog entry, written by Daniel Villarreal, admits that the “gay activists” actually…
CWALAC StaffMay 18, 2011
Read Linda Schauer's letter to the editor regarding tax payer funding of abortion.
CWALAC StaffMay 18, 2011
"To everything there is a season," says Ecclesiastes 3:1, and the time for Republican senators…
CWALAC StaffMay 18, 2011
The report which made this news public also reported "a total of 32 confirmed dead…
CWALAC StaffMay 18, 2011
Through the YouCut website, you can vote to cut U.S. funding to a U.N. agency…
CWALAC StaffMay 18, 2011
North Carolina Prayer/Action Chapter members are participating in the Encourage-A-Legislator Campaign.
CWALAC StaffMay 16, 2011
This issue affects foreign policy, human rights and perhaps even our own system of law…
CWALAC StaffMay 16, 2011
We expect the Defense Authorization to go to the House floor soon. Please call your…
CWALAC StaffMay 13, 2011