Legislately Legislately!: Repealing ObamaCare Shari Rendall recaps the giant step the U.S. House of Representatives took to repeal ObamaCare…CWALAC StaffJuly 13, 2012
Montana Montana: CWA of Montana Kick-off Banquet – August 11 Join us August 11 in Missoula! CWA's CEO and President Penny Nance to be keynote…CWALAC StaffJuly 13, 2012
BlogDefense of Family DNC: Downright Nasty Characters As women, we cannot condone derogatory remarks like those made by Rush and Patrick from…CWALAC StaffJuly 12, 2012
Oklahoma CWA of Oklahoma Outraged! U.S. Supreme Court Decision Provides Motivation! We need your help to continue standing guard and doing the work that must be…CWALAC StaffJuly 12, 2012
National Sovereignty National She Votes 2012 Push Cards It is time for us to unite, mobilize and make an impact by motivating conservatives…CWALAC StaffJuly 12, 2012
Virginia CWA of Virginia Now Offering Church Voter Registration Drive Virtual Training Yet another part of our exciting She Votes 2012 Project. Sign up today and invite…CWALAC StaffJuly 12, 2012
Press Releases CWA Applauds House for Repealing ObamaCare We are pleased that the House took quick action to right the wrong of government…CWALAC StaffJuly 11, 2012
Ohio Ohio: CWA of Ohio Launches Get Out the Vote Project Find out how to be part of this exciting new project!CWALAC StaffJuly 10, 2012
BlogDefense of Family Dating Advice from Novelist Jane Austen? Are American women — and some men, too — turning to Jane Austen for dating…CWALAC StaffJuly 9, 2012
Press Releases CWA Responds to President Obama’s Push to Tax Middle Class Families and Job Creators The president's tax increase is a grain of sand in the ocean when it comes…CWALAC StaffJuly 9, 2012
Legislative Updates Legislative Update for July 6, 2012 This week both the House and Senate were out of session for the Independence Day…CWALAC StaffJuly 6, 2012
Press Releases Concerned Women for America Launches She Votes 2012 Program This Weekend in Virginia Field directors will use phone-banks, social media, and public events to encourage voter participation.CWALAC StaffJuly 6, 2012
South Dakota Supreme Court Decision on ObamaCare CWA of South Dakota Troubled Over Supreme Court Decision on ObamaCareCWALAC StaffJuly 5, 2012
GeorgiaNational Sovereignty LOST Sen. Isakson continues to stay neutral and needs to hear from you!CWALAC StaffJuly 5, 2012
Press Releases Concerned Women for America Kicks off She Votes 2012 This Saturday in Virginia This is a critical election and we need to work hard to elect like-minded conservatives…CWALAC StaffJuly 5, 2012
North Dakota North Dakota Farmer Celebrates America With Great Song Writing Check out his video - Stripes Are In!CWALAC StaffJuly 5, 2012
North Dakota Janne Myrdal on ValleyNewsLive.com: Hot Box – Health Care Act Upheld Watch video!CWALAC StaffJuly 3, 2012
North Dakota CWA of North Dakota Outraged! U.S Supreme Court Majority joins Obama in Undermining American Health Care Last week was a vivid reminder about the responsibility of each citizen in America to…CWALAC StaffJuly 3, 2012
Texas Texans Outraged! U.S Supreme Court Majority Undermines American Health Care Yesterday was a vivid reminder about the responsibility of each citizen in America to act…CWALAC StaffJuly 3, 2012
National Sovereignty America Is In Crisis Our call to action is clear. Will you and your church commit to 40 days…CWALAC StaffJuly 3, 2012