North Carolina North Carolinians Act Now to STOP Obama’s Current Nominee to the U.S. Supreme Court With the recent U.S. Supreme Court judicial nomination made by President Obama for Judge Merrick…State StaffMarch 21, 2016
Kansas Pray and Take Action Concerning Obama’s Current Nominee to the U.S. Supreme Court Hello dear CWA friends, The recent nomination made by our President for Judge Merrick Garland…State StaffMarch 19, 2016
Hawaii Pray and Take Action Concerning Obama’s Current Nominee to the U.S. Supreme Court Aloha dear CWA friends, The recent nomination made by our President for Judge Merrick Garland…State StaffMarch 18, 2016
North Dakota Abortion Advocates Should Bear Shame State Director's letter to the editor posted on "When you hear those who are…State StaffMarch 18, 2016
Georgia Religious Liberty Bill Heads to Governor Who May Not Sign It Calls and/or e-mails needed immediately! HB 757, the "Free Exercise Protection Act" passed both the…State StaffMarch 17, 2016
North Carolina Be Part of CWA of North Carolina’s Encourage-A-Legislator Program – Sign up today! “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord.” (Psalm 33:12) Our goal is to…State StaffMarch 17, 2016
North Carolina CWA of North Carolina Encourages Participation in CWA National’s – Prayer and Love > Terror “ … to open their eyes, in order to turn them from darkness to light,…State StaffMarch 17, 2016
Hawaii Obama’s Nominee State Director's letter to the editor posted on StaffMarch 17, 2016
North Carolina The Charlotte Bathroom Ordinance Must Be Overturned Dear Concerned North Carolinian: The Charlotte City Council voted on February 22, 2016, to pass…State StaffMarch 16, 2016
Texas The People Should Decide Associate State Director Dona Hodges letter to the editor is published in The Orange Leader…State StaffMarch 11, 2016
Washington CWA of Washington March 11 Action Alert – Do Business Until I Come! Dear Concerned Women for America of Washington Member, How is the morality of a nation…State StaffMarch 11, 2016
Kansas Kansas Legislative Update – Bills, Bills! Click here to find out who your representative and senator are and how to contact…State StaffMarch 9, 2016
North Carolina Overturn Charlotte’s Bathroom Ordinance Our only hope to protect children, women, and businesses across the state is for the…State StaffMarch 9, 2016
South Dakota Update on South Dakota Pain Capable Bill SB72, An Act to prohibit the abortion of an unborn child who is capable of…State StaffMarch 9, 2016
Georgia Religious Freedom Memes: Help us get the word out on social media Help us spread the word on social media of the urgency to pass the religious…State StaffMarch 8, 2016
Missouri Easter Project AD2016 CWA of Missouri has traditionally presented gifts to the members of the Missouri General Assembly…State StaffMarch 8, 2016
Georgia Urgent! Gov. Nathan Deal sides with global corporate giants and against religious liberty. Malachi 3:6 "For I, the LORD, do not change…” Gov. Nathan Deal has aligned himself…State StaffMarch 7, 2016
Iowa URGENT: Support Sen. Chuck Grassley on March 28 & 29!Ocheyedan – Rock Rapids – Orange City “This is the greatest battle we may fight in our lifetime!” - Concerned Women for…State StaffMarch 4, 2016
Illinois CWA of Illinois Issues in Focus meeting Recap The 2016 CWA Issues in Focus Series was kicked off on February 29, 2016, at…State StaffMarch 4, 2016
South Dakota Attempt to Override Gov. Daugaard Failed “Woe to those who call evil good and good evil: Who put darkness for light…State StaffMarch 4, 2016