Your Voice is Needed: Illinois Poised to Offer Inclusive Pre- K-12 Comprehensive Sex Education

By March 8, 2020Illinois

The two mandated sex-education bills below have been introduced into the Illinois House and Senate.  The so-called “grade-appropriate” instruction will expose adolescents and young teens to terminology and practices of the LGBTQ lifestyle. They will remove outdated language and build on the current standards for health and sexual health education courses for grades 6 through 12 which includes: pregnancy and reproduction; gender identity, gender expression, and sexual orientation; puberty, growth, and adolescent development; anatomy and physiology; healthy relationships and friendships; healthy decision-making; and personal safety.

Click on active links to view the text of the bills being voted on this legislative session.

  1. The Healthy Youth Act (HB 5012) – proposed in the House by State Rep. Kelly Cassidy (Democrat-Dist. 14, Chicago), State Rep. Ann Williams (Democrat-Dist. 11, Chicago); Michelle Mussman (Democrat-Dist. 56, Schaumburg) and in the Senate (SB 3788)  by Sen. Celina Villanueva (Democrat-11th Dist., Summit) and Sen. Laura Fine (Democrat-9th Dist., Glenview). The Healthy Youth Act will take effect upon becoming law.
  2. The Responsible Education for Adolescent and Children’s Health (REACH) Act (SB 2762) was introduced by Ram Villivalam (Democrat-8th Dist., Chicago). The REACH will mandate all public and satellite schools to offer comprehensive and inclusive sex education for grades pre-K through 12.

“‘Comprehensive sex education’ means instruction in a comprehensive school health education approach that addresses the physical, mental, emotional, and social dimensions of human sexuality and is designed to motivate and assist students in maintaining and improving sexual health, preventing disease, and reducing sexual health-related risk behaviors and to enable and empower students to develop and demonstrate developmentally and culturally appropriate sexuality and sexual health-related knowledge, attitudes, skills, and practices.”

“‘Inclusive’ means a curriculum that ensures students from historically marginalized communities that include, but are not limited to, communities of color, immigrant communities, people of diverse sexual orientations, gender identities, and gender expressions, people who are intersex, people who have disabilities, people who have experienced sexual victimization, and others whose experiences have been traditionally left out of sex education programs and policies are included in classroom materials and lessons.”

A detailed list of objectives and subject matter for the specific grade levels are available in the active link to the bill (SB 2762). One of many alarming subject matters: “Unbiased information and non-stigmatizing information about the options regarding pregnancy, including parenting, adoption, and abortion.”

If passed, this legislation would make Illinois the 30th state to mandate sex education. If passed, the REACH Act would begin no later than July 1, 2021.

Please take action:

  1. Read the bills in their entirety. This is the curriculum Illinois children Pre-K through 12 will be mandated to learn. We have a God-given responsibility to guard their hearts and minds.
  2. Contact your state representative and state senator and urge him/her to opposethe Healthy Youth and REACH Acts. Click here to find your senator and state representative’s contact information. Be sure to tell them you are a member of Concerned Women for America of Illinois.

Forward this alert to your family, friends, as well as churches in your area.

Please join me in prayer that the Church will wake up to LGBTQ indoctrination via the public education system and speak out against the Healthy Youth and REACH Acts.  Pray also for the hearts of the Illinois legislators that they will courageously vote against the bill.

Debbie Leininger
State Director