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Week of Prayer for Kavanaugh – Day 2

By August 29, 2018LBB
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Oh Lord, Our God, we live in tumultuous times.
And for such a time, You have selected President Donald J. Trump to lead our nation.
We pray Your protection over him and his family and over his team.
We pray Your wisdom and guidance will prevail over all other counsel in every office in the White House.

Help the president to grow in the knowledge of You.
Help him to trust in You and not to lean on his own understanding.

We thank You for giving him wisdom in selecting judges.
We are so thankful to see people who seek to preserve religious liberty and justice appointed.

Believing that Judge Kavanaugh is just such a judge,
we ask You to guide his nomination every step of the way.
Let not those who hate justice prevail in their schemes to stop him.
May Your people rejoice, seeing Your hand involved throughout it all.

Day 1
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Day 8

Click here to access an easy-to-print version of the prayer guide for this week.  Click here to add your name to the hundreds praying for Judge Kavanaugh.