We Need Your Calls Again on the 10 Commandments and Pledge Bill!

By March 23, 2021North Dakota

“These commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.” Deuteronomy 6:6-7

Because of your prayer and action, SB 2308, a bill relating to school board authority regarding the posting of the Ten Commandments and the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance (with immunity), passed through the North Dakota Senate last month. The House Judiciary Committee will hear the bill on Wednesday, March 24, 2021. They need to hear from you today!

The Ten Commandments hang in our North Dakota State Capitol and other buildings throughout the state. Students should not be prohibited from the same environment the public, lawgivers, and judges are granted.

Take Action!

  1. Contact the 14 members of the House Judiciary Committee listed below my signature.
    Ask them to support SB 2308. You can simply write in the subject line: “Please vote Do Pass on SB 2308”. There is a suggested email message provided below my signature line, or use your own message. If you are a member of Concerned Women for America of North Dakota, please be sure to let them know.
  2. Forward this information to friends and family.

Pray for our leaders that they will have the courage, wisdom, and understanding to allow schools to post the Ten Commandments and to recite the Pledge of Allegiance with immunity.

Linda Thorson
State Director

Take this opportunity to be a voice for our children. Please contact the members of the committee individually or use the list of email addresses at the bottom and send one message to all. Note: All messages are counted, but individual messages are always best.

Suggested Message:
Dear Representative,
Please vote “Do Pass” on SB 2308 to allow schools to post the 10 Commandments and recitation of the pledge of allegiance with immunity.
Your name, town

House Judiciary Committee Members

  • Chairman Lawrence Klemin (Republican – District 47) Email lklemin@nd.gov |Cellphone 701 222-2577
  • Vice-Chairwoman Karen Karls (Republican – District 35) Email kkarls@nd.gov or call 701-258-6336
  • Representative Rick Becker (Republican – District 7) Email rcbecker@nd.gov |Cellphone 701-527-6902
  • Representative Ruth Buffalo (Democrat – District 27) Email rbuffalo@nd.gov |Cellphone 701-491-8175
  • Representative Cole Christensen (Republican – District 24) Email colechristensen@nd.gov |Cellphone
  • 701-659-1776
  • Representative Claire Cory (Republican – District 42) Email clairecory@nd.gov |Cellphone 701-213-6553
  • Representative Karla Rose Hanson (Democrat – District 44) Email krhanson@nd.gov |Cellphone 701-793-9181
  • Representative Terry Jones (Republican – District 4) Email tbjones@nd.gov |Cellphone 701- 627-3397
  • Representative Jeff Magrum (Republican – District 28) Email jmagrum@nd.gov |Cellphone 701-321-2224
  • Representative Bob Paulson (Republican – District 3) Email bpaulson@nd.gov| Cellphone 701-833-4752
  • Representative Gary Paur (Republican – District 19) Email | Cellphone 218-791-0491
  • Representative Shannon Roers Jones (Republican – District 46) Emailsroersjones@nd.gov|Cellphone
  • 701-630-6746
  • Representative Bernie Satrom (Republican – District 12) Email blsatrom@nd.gov |Cellphone 701-320-7239
  • Representative Steve Vetter (Republican – District 18) Email smvetter@nd.gov |Cellphone 612-770-8689

Email address for House Judiciary Members: lklemin@nd.gov; kkarls@nd.gov;
rcbecker@nd.gov; rbuffalo@nd.gov; colechristensen@nd.gov;
clairecory@nd.gov; krhanson@nd.gov; tbjones@nd.gov; jmagrum@nd.gov; bpaulson@nd.gov; gpaur@nd.gov; sroersjones@nd.gov; blsatrom@nd.gov;smvetter@nd.gov