Voice Your Support for a Pro-Life Bill

By April 8, 2021North Dakota

It’s time to STOP North Dakota State University’s (NDSU) relationship with Planned Parenthood! Thank you for responding to the last alert! On April 7, the North Dakota House voted to pass SB 2030! SB 2030 makes it clear that the university system can no longer partner with abortion providers and penalize campuses that violate the law.

For more details about SB 2030, read my letter to the editor and watch the April 7 House floor debate.

SB 2030 now returns to the Senate Appropriations Committee for their vote to concur or not concur with amendments that stop our universities from partnering with Planned Parenthood or any other entity that provides or promotes abortion. The amendments on the bill make the law covering the prohibition clearer by adding a penalty. Those who are opposed to the bill claim “academic freedom” must be protected but nothing justifies partnering with abortion providers! 

SB 2030 could be voted on as early as tomorrow. 

Take Action!
Contact the Members of the Senate Appropriations Committee and ask them to “vote to concur with the House on SB2030 with amendments.” Email addresses and a suggested message for members are located below my signature line. If applicable, be sure to mention that you are a member of Concerned Women for America of North Dakota. 

Pray that members of the committee support this life bill and stand against the horrors of abortion! Partnering with an organization committed to death cannot be justified by “academic freedom.”

“Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb is a reward.”  Psalm 127:3

Linda Thorson
State Director

Suggested email message:

Dear Senator,
Please vote to concur with the House on SB2030 with amendments. I stand against any partnership with an organization that promotes or provides abortions and ask for you do to the same.

Respectfully Yours,
Your Name and Town

Members of the Senate Appropriations Committee:

(You can send a message to all members at one time by copy and pasting this – bbekkedahl@nd.govkdavison@nd.govddever@nd.govrerbele@nd.govjheckaman@nd.govdhogue@nd.govrholmberg@nd.govkkrebsbach@nd.govtmathern@nd.gov;doehlke@nd.govnpoolman@nd.govdrust@nd.gov;rsorvaag@nd.govtmwanzek@nd.gov

(If you have the time, individual email messages are always best.) 

Chairman Sen. Ray Holmberg (Republican – District 17) rholmberg@nd.gov or Cellphone 701-739-5334

Vice-Chairman Sen. Karen Kresbsbach (Republican – District 40) kkrebsbach@nd.gov or Cellphone 701-720-1291

Vice-Chairman Sen. Terry Wanzek (Republican – District 29) tmwanzek@nd.gov or call 701-251-6113

Sen. Brad Bekkedahl (Republican – District 1) bbekkedahl@nd.gov or Cellphone 701-570-1879

Sen. Kyle Davidson (Republican – District 41) kdavison@nd.gov or Cellphone 701-261-8703

Sen. Dick Dever (Republican – District 32)  ddever@nd.gov or Cellphone 701-391-6330

Sen. Robert Erbele (Republican – District 28) rerbele@nd.gov or call 701-378-2272

Sen. Joan Heckaman (Democrat – District 23) jheckaman@nd.gov or call 701-302-0355

Sen. David Hogue (Republican – District 38) dhogue@nd.gov or call 701-852-0381

Sen. Tim Mathern (Democrat – District 11) tmathern@nd.gov or call 701-235-9817

Sen. Dave Oehlke (Republican – District 15) doehlke@nd.gov or Cellphone 701-230-1598

Sen. Nicole Poolman (Republican – District 7) npoolman@nd.gov or call 701-250-6730

Sen. David Rust (Republican – District 2) drust@nd.gov or Cellphone 701-216-0270

Sen. Ronald Sorvaag (Republican – District 45) rsorvaag@nd.gov or Cellphone 701-361-2156