URGENT: 5 Things You Can Do For Kavanaugh Confirmation

By October 3, 2018Georgia

We are at a pivotal moment in the fight to restore a proper balance to the nation’s highest court through the confirmation of Judge Brett Kavanaugh.  Here are five things you can do to help Judge Kavanaugh:

  1. Write a note of encouragement to Judge Kavanaugh: Brett Kavanaugh and his family have been through so very much.  May our words be like cool water and shelter in the midst of a ferocious firestorm.  CWA will ensure your comments get to Judge Kavanaugh.
  2. Sign petition (women only): It is important for women to speak out in support of Judge Kavanaugh. The higher the volume the more our voices, as women, will be heard.
  3. Email a letter of support for Judge Kavanaugh to Sen. Jeff Flake (R-Arizona) TODAY even if you’re not from Arizona—he is asking to hear from women across the county.
  4. Contact our U.S. Senators again. Let them know that you support Kavanaugh and want them to vote “yes!” Leave a message if no one answers, and be sure to tell them that you are a member of Concerned Women for America.

Sen. Isakson: Email and then call him at (202) 224-3643 or 770-661-0999
Sen. Perdue: Email and then call him at (202) 224-3521 or 404-865-0087

  1. Attend Women for Kavanaugh event this Friday, October 5 in Washington, D.C.  (Women only.)  If you cannot attend, pray.  Pray for a high volume of attendees. Note that the time on the link refers to the time of the pick-up and drop off of the busses.  The time of the event is yet to be decided.