Urge Gov. Bel Edwards to Sign the Stop Harming Our Kids Act

By June 9, 2023Louisiana

HB648, the Stop Harming Our Kids Act, passed the Louisiana Legislature with bipartisan support and now heads to Gov. John Bel Edwards (Democrat) for his signature. The bill will prevent harmful surgeries and experimental drugs from being administered to vulnerable children who express the desire to transition to the opposite sex. Read more about HB648 here.

It is your voice that is making the difference! Thank you for sending messages to the House and Senate members encouraging them to pass this important piece of legislation.

However, the work is not over yet. Please make one last call to Gov. Bel Edwards and urge him to sign the bill. He must hear from us – that we, as Louisianans, stand with him to protect children.

ACT TODAY! Please email, call, or tweet Gov. Bel Edwards through our Action Center HERE and urge him to stand on the side of children and sign HB648.

Be sure to share this information with like-minded family and friends.

Visit Concerned Women for America’s Protecting Vulnerable Children page for timely resources.

Anchored in Christ,
Laura Huber
State Director