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Radical elements within LGBTQ+ groups have targeted very young children with cult-like fervency for many years. Perhaps the most well-known and successful indoctrination effort has come from the “Drag Queen Story Hour” group, which boasts that it seeks to “captures the imagination and play of the gender fluidity of childhood” and give kids “unabashedly queer role models.” By their own account then, these efforts seek to capture the imagination of our children with harmful sexual themes that burden and corrupt them with confusion and a radical, harmful, immoral, and unscientific view of human sexuality.

Thankfully, some states are trying to fight back. Here are the states that have enacted laws to protect children from these noxious efforts. Every state should make similar efforts.

Montana passed “An Act Prohibiting Minors From Attending Sexually Oriented Shows; Prohibiting Drag Story Hour in Schools and Libraries that Receive Public Funding; Prohibiting Minors from Attending Sexually Oriented or Obscene Performances on Public Property; Prohibiting Sexually oriented Performances in Libraries or Schools the Receive State Funding; [and] Prohibiting Sexually Oriented Performances on Public Property Where Children are Present …”

Texas passed “An act relating to the authority to regulate sexually oriented performances and to restricting those performances on the premises of a commercial enterprise, on public property, or in the presence of an individual younger than 18 years of age …” Another effort, “An act relating to prohibiting municipal libraries that host certain events from receiving state or other public funding,” is ongoing.

North Dakota has a bill addressing “adult cabaret performances” on public property or in the presence of a minor.

South Dakota has “An act to prohibit the use of state resources in hosting lewd or lascivious content.”

Arizona has a bill to prohibit public funds from being used “for a drag show targeting minors.” Another bill would prohibit “adult cabaret” performances on public property or in places where it could be viewed by a minor. It also has a bill addressing the issue through zoning ordinances “to conserve and promote the public health, safety, convenience and general welfare.”

Minnesota has a bill “classifying drag performances as adult entertainment; [and] expanding location restrictions of an adult entertainment establishment …”

Kentucky has a bill that classifies an “establishment that hosts drag performances or stripping” as an “adult-oriented business” where minors cannot be present.

Arkansas has a bill to “Classify a Drag Performance as an Adult Oriented Business; [and] to Add Additional Restrictions to an Adult-Oriented Business.

Oklahoma has a bill that defines “adult cabaret performances” as including “drag performers or similar entertainers” in public property or in the presence of minors.

Nebraska has an effort to “to prohibit an individual under nineteen years of age or under twenty-one years of age from being present at a drag show …”

Missouri’s bill references “male or female impersonators who provide entertainment that appeals to a prurient interest” as an “adult cabaret performance” that cannot be conducted in the presence of minors. They also have another bill referencing “drag performances” as “sexually oriented businesses.”

Kansas has “An act concerning adult-oriented businesses; relating to drag shows; prohibiting the expenditure of any state moneys for drag shows targeting minors; [and] providing criminal penalties for violations of the act.” Another bill classifies drag performances as “obscene” which is prohibited from being promoted to minors.

West Virginia has a bill “prohibiting funding from governmental entities for drag shows; [and] prohibiting minors from being involved in or attending drag shows …”

South Carolina has the “Defense of Children’s Innocence Act” that makes drag shows “sexually oriented business for all ordinances relating to sexually oriented businesses.”

Tennessee passed a law that defined “adult cabaret entertainment” as “adult-oriented performances that are harmful to minors … and that feature topless dancers, go-go dancers, exotic dancers, strippers, male or female impersonators, or similar entertainers. …” Note this law has been found to be “vague and substantially overbroad” by a federal judge. Efforts going forward should take note to make the language more precise.