I have pleaded with you before to realize that secular humanists are systematically targeting our children for indoctrination. A recent op-ed titled “Yes, kink belongs at Pride. And I want my kids to see it.” in one of our nation’s most prestigious newspapers, The Washington Post, helps stress the urgency of the call to stand up and fight for your children.

Though The Post makes the headline personal to make the writer Lauren Rowello’s message more palatable, her call is collective. She is pushing community standards. It’s not that she wants her kids to see sexual deviant behavior (she will make sure of that); she wants your kids to see it. That is why she is writing publicly, advocating for the behavior to be kept in full public display of children—again, they are the target.

She is not urging this wickedness for herself or even as the “self-expression” of those involved, but for the great “benefit” of corrupting children’s minds.

To their shame, The Washington Post, gives her a platform to expand her reach. The author writes, “Children who witness kink culture are reassured that alternative experiences of sexuality and expression are valid — no matter who they become as they mature, helping them recognize that their personal experiences aren’t bad or wrong, and that they aren’t alone in their experiences.”

Your child needs this, you see. That is why Pride parades must be celebrated in public on the busiest streets of the most dynamic of towns. And the more sexually deviant behaviors they showcase, the better…

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