South Carolina Stand with Female Athletes in South Carolina Women and girls should not be forced to compete against men playing on women’s sports…Madison RaineyFebruary 10, 2021
North Dakota North Dakota: Calls Needed BEFORE 1:00 p.m. to Help Protect Female Sports! HB 1298, a bill that would provide a level playing field for female athletes, will…Linda ThorsonFebruary 10, 2021
North Dakota State Director Testifies in Favor of Save Girls Sports Bill Concerned Women for America of North Dakota, Linda Thorson, testified before the House Human Services…Linda ThorsonJanuary 28, 2021
Legislative UpdatesNews and EventsSexual ExploitationWomen's Sports Title IX, Which Paved the Way for Women’s Sports, Now Threatens Its Gains Concerned Women for America's Vice President of Government Relations, Doreen Denny, was interview by Verily…Doreen DennyDecember 13, 2020
Legislative UpdatesNews and EventsPress ReleasesSexual ExploitationWomen's Sports Press Release: Senate Conservatives Stand with Female Student-Athletes FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE September 22, 2020 Contact: Doreen Denny, Vice President of Government Relations (202) 420-1491, Senate…Doreen DennySeptember 22, 2020
South Carolina South Carolina Bill to Ensure Level Playing Field for Female Athletes Doors of opportunity open for female athletes through sports. But in today’s age of gender…Tanya DittyMarch 2, 2020
Erasing WomenFeminist / Women's IssuesMarriageNews and EventsSexual ExploitationWomen's Sports Is It Fair Play? How Female Athletes Are Losing in the Age of Gender Identity I’m the mother of two athletes, a son who currently plays college baseball and a…Doreen DennyApril 17, 2019
Erasing WomenLegislative UpdatesNews and EventsSexual ExploitationWomen's Sports Fair Play? Women’s Athletics in the Age of Gender Identity Fair Play? Women’s Athletics in the Age of Gender Identity, Heritage Foundation - April 8,…Doreen DennyApril 8, 2019