State Legislative Update – Education Bills Need Your Attention!

By March 6, 2025North Dakota

We are now halfway through the 69th Legislative Assembly Session which started on January 7 and ends on May 9, 2025. Legislation is now heard by the other side of the Assembly. In other words, bills that passed through the Senate will now be heard on the House side and vice versa.

It is essential that you continue to engage with our legislators! We will update you through the committee and floor votes process and ask you to engage by contacting our lawmakers and, most importantly, praying.

We Have Two Education Bills on which You can Engage:

  1. “Compliance to Educational Law” SB 2104 requires school districts to follow laws such as showing the Growth and Development of Human Sexuality 4-D video in Health classes. The bill requires the North Dakota Department of Public Instruction (NDDPI) to collect information regarding school districts’ compliance with education-related state laws.  In addition, a financial penalty would be assessed for districts that are out of compliance. CWA of North Dakota testimony may be read Video testimony viewed at the 10:24:25 minute mark here

Status: This bill passed the Senate and will be considered by the House Education Committee next.

Action: Please contact the members of the House Education Committee and ask them for a “do pass” on SB 2104 and encourage friends and family to do the same. See the easy contact method at the bottom of this e-alert. Be sure to let them know that you are being updated by Concerned Women for America of North Dakota.

  1. “Education Savings Accounts” SB 2400 relates to establishing an education savings account program for any elementary or secondary student who is a state resident. The account may be used for qualified educational expenses such as tutoring services, online learning programs, private school tuition, curriculum for homeschooling, and other educational materials. CWA of North Dakota testimony may be read here.

Status: SB 2400 passed the Senate and will be heard by the House Education Committee soon.

Action: Please contact the members of the House Education Committee and ask them for a “Do Pass” on SB 2400 and encourage friends and family to do the same. See the easy contact method at the bottom of this e-alert. Be sure to let them know that you are being updated by Concerned Women for America of North Dakota.

Please Pray: Pray for the members of the Education Committee by name. May God give them wisdom and an understanding of ways to help school-aged children learn and thrive as bills that impact children’s learning environments are proposed and considered.

Thank you for your continued support of CWA of North Dakota. Together, through prayer, education, and action, we are impacting our state mightily for His Kingdom!

“But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord knowing that your labor is not in vain in the Lord.”
I Corinthians 15: 57-58

You can email the House Education Committee Members as a group or individually. Please send a separate email for each bill.

Contact them as a group (copy and paste into your “To:” field):;;;;;;;;;;;;;

Contact them individually:

Chairman Rep. Pat Heinert (R-District 32) at or call (701) 595-2251
Vice Chairman Rep. Cynthia Schreiberbeck (R-District 25) at or call (701) 899-3232
Rep. Liz Conmy (D-District 11) at  or call (701)793-6409
Rep. Laurie Beth Hager (D-District 21) at or call (701) 371-1407
Rep. Patrick Hatlestad (R-District 1) at or call (701) 770-8899
Rep. Dori Hauck (R-District 36) at or call (2180 790-1345
Rep. Matthew Heilman (R-District 7) at or call (701) 989-8262
Rep. Jim Jonas (R-District 13) at or call (701) 388-8525
Rep. Donald Longmuir (R-District 2) at or call (701) 629-1632
Rep. Roger Maki (R-District 26) at or call (701) 300-1654
Rep. Andrew Marschall (R-District 16) at No phone listed
Rep. Desiree Morton (R-District 46) at or call (701) 367-8819
Rep. Anna Novak (R-District 33) at or call (701) 870-0288
Rep. Doug Osowski (Republican-District 42) at or call (701) 330-7569