Senate Legislative Update for July 11, 2014

The Senate was in session this week after being out for Independence Day. With a full agenda, the chamber has only 16 working days left till the August recess.

Israel Resolution: This week, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) introduced a resolution expressing that, if passed, it is the sense of the Senate that Israel has the right to defend itself against rocket attacks from the terrorist organization Hamas.

President Obama and Prime Minster Netanyahu spoke on the phone Thursday. President Obama repeated the United States’ support and reaffirmed Israel’s right to defend itself. To read the White House press statement, click here.

Click here to read Concerned Women for America Legislative Action Committee’s (CWALAC) blog on this week’s events in Israel.

Click here to read CWALAC CEO & President Penny Nance’s op-ed, “Palestinian Mothers Set the Tone in the Middle East.”

Act Now: Please call your senators now and urge them to support Sen. Graham’s bill. To find your senators, click here.

Senate Committee passes bill to change First Amendment: On Thursday, the Senate Judiciary Committee advanced legislation, S.J.Res 19, which would change the First Amendment to the Constitution. This bill would expand federal power over free speech when dealing with political content.

The next step for Senate Democrats seeking to push this change through is to bring the resolution to the Senate floor for a vote. CWALAC is watching this closely.  

Looking Ahead: Next week, the Senate Judiciary Committee will hold a hearing on the Women’s Health Protection Act, S.1696. Despite its noble-sounding name, this bill seeks to un-do all regulations currently in place for the safety and health of women looking to have an abortion.

CWALAC knows what happens when abortion providers have the power to decide what is best for women.  We have but to look back one year to when Dr. Kermit Gosnell was sentenced to life in prison for the murder of a baby born alive in a botched abortion. For more details on the Gosnell case, click here.