Merry Christmas Georgia (and Looking Ahead to 2016!)

By December 1, 2015Georgia

Dear Faithful Friend,

Concerned Women for America of Georgia wishes you a very Merry Christmas filled with peace and joy!

Jesus came into a world much like today – a world full of unrest but He came offering something that only He could offer.  He gave a gift for our minds and hearts in John 14:27, “Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you.  Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.”  Whatever troubles and unrest we face as families or as a nation, they are not new to God – Ecclesiastes 1:9.  If we’ll turn to Him, He’ll heal our land – 2 Chronicles 7:14.  With God all things are possible – Mark 10:27.  So, in this fast-paced, every-day’s-a-race world, doesn’t the idea of a trouble-free heart and stress-free mind sound like a wonderful idea?  May the reminder of John 14:27 be our gift to you this Christmas season as we celebrate the birth of our King!

As we come to the end of another very busy year, we at CWA of Georgia want to pause and pass along some of the accomplishments and blessings of 2015 to our faithful members and supporters. We want you to know how much we appreciate your participation in our work. Your prayers are always worthy and without them our work would not be fruitful.

State Legislative Session
CWA of Georgia members were represented throughout the 40-day legislative session. During the legislative session, CWA of Georgia:

  • Lobbied for the passage of the state-level Religious Freedom Restoration Act (SB129).  State Director Tanya Ditty testified at four hearings for SB 129. CWA of Georgia members took their time to travel to the State Capitol to lobby and attend the hearings.  We are so grateful for our faithful members!
  • Participated in the Standing for Our Faith rally in support of fired Atlanta Fire Chief Kelvin Cochran and participated in the Second Annual Religious Freedom rally.  Hundreds of Georgia citizens poured into the State Capitol to take a stand for religious freedom!
  • Lobbied for the passage of the Advanced Placement U.S. History resolution. CWA of Georgia members attended the joint House and Senate Education Committee hearing on the revised Advanced Placement (anti) U.S. History Curriculum Framework and Exam.
  • Sponsored our 11th Annual Encourage-A-Legislator Prayer Project. Over 120 faithful members prayed for and encouraged our state lawmakers during the Georgia legislative session.

Throughout the Year

  • Attended the Road to Majority Conference in Washington, D.C.  This event was co-sponsored by Concerned Women for America and Faith & Freedom Coalition.  Conservatives leaders from around the country descended on Capitol Hill to lobby on critical legislation, attended leadership training, and heard from over ten presidential candidates.
  • Joined pro-life groups from across the state and nation to peacefully rally for life in front of Planned Parenthood clinics.
  • State Director Tanya Ditty testified before a joint House and Senate study committee which is considering expanding predatory gambling in Georgia.

CWA of Georgia is making a difference in our state!  Check out just a few of our 2015 pictures.

Looking ahead to 2016
I hope you will prayerfully consider joining with CWA of Georgia in one or all of the following ways:

  • The heart of CWA is prayer and action, believing we will only see change in our nation when we as God’s people commit to both prayer and action. We want to grow our Prayer/Action Chapters by ten in 2016. Considering starting a local Prayer/Action Chapter where members meet monthly to pray and act on issues affecting the family and our Judeo-Christian values.  Click here for more information.
  • 2016 will include our 13th Annual Encourage-A-Legislator ProjectClick here to sign up and encourage a friend to do the same.
  • Participate in our Religious Freedom Day at the State Capitol on February 10. More information to come!
  • Lobby our state legislature on CWA of Georgia’s 2016 legislative priorities.
  • Learn how you can be proactive in helping create a safe environment in your schools and communities by attending our “Saying No to Bathroom Bills” training seminars.
  • Stay informed.  For information on state events, where to hear your State Director speak in person, how to get involved, and stay updated with legislative E-alerts, visit our website at, visit our Facebook at Concerned Women for America of Georgia, or feel free to contact me with any questions at:

The Lord has called CWA of Georgia to be both salt and light in our state. We are working diligently in Georgia – standing for what is righteous, fighting for life, and upholding faith and family. But we cannot do this work as effectively without you.

Your tax-deductible year-end gift to CWA of Georgia will help us continue working on your behalf and our beautiful state. Donations sent to P.O. Box 671374, Marietta, GA 30066 stay in Georgia for our projects. Gifts to our national Washington, D.C., office are utilized for national issues.

Click here if you would like to donate online to CWA of Georgia.  You will be sowing seeds into good soil!

Please know that what you do makes a difference!  We encourage you to continue standing for righteousness so that we will see Biblical values restored to our nation. Let’s honor God and His Word!

Thank you again. Together with God we are making a difference. God bless you abundantly.

In Christ,
Tanya Ditty
State Director