Legislative Update from Pierre – February 5, 2022

By February 5, 2022South Dakota
“Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” -Joshua 1:9
Concerned Women for America of South Dakota are boots on the ground for you each week in Pierre! We are working on your behalf and wanted to give you our legislative update for the week with important timely action items.

Video Lottery
HB1138, the bill to increase the payout for video lottery, was defeated in the House Commerce and Energy Committee this week. Check the votes here. We wanted a YES vote, sending it to the 41st day which kills the bill. 
If your legislator is a member of this committee and voted YES, please thank them. If you do not know who your member is, click here.

The Privacy/Bathroom Bill
HB1005, the student privacy/bathroom bill, passed in the House with a vote of 38-29. Check the votes here. We wanted a YES vote. 
HB1005 will “provide for the designated use of public-school multi-occupancy rooms and sleeping rooms.” HB1005 will assure girls use private spaces designated for girls and boys use private spaces designated for boys. “Sex” in this bill means the student’s sex as determined at birth. If a student is unable or unwilling to use facilities according to his/her sex, the school must provide a private space for him/her.
If your representatives vote Yes, please thank them. If they voted No, kindly express your disappointment.
HB1005 will now go to the Senate. 
ACTION: Contact your state senator and urge them to support HB1005, the privacy bill. If you do not know who your senator is, click here. Send an email message here, “Please vote YES on HB1005.”  Also, if you are a member of Concerned Women for America of South Dakota, be sure to let them know.

Fairness In Girls Sports
SB46, the Fairness in Girls Sports bill, passed in the House this week with a vote of 50-17. Check the votes here.
Gov. Kristi Noem (Republican) signed the bill into law on February 4, 2022. 

Protect our Constitution
A Constitutional Convention bill (Convention of States), HJR5001, started in the House, passed in the full House on January 25 with a vote of 39-30. We wanted a No vote.
HJR5001 was heard in the Senate State Affairs Committee, where it was defeated. Check the votes here. We wanted a YES vote to send it to the 41st day. Unfortunately, it will be “smoked out” of committee to send it to the full Senate for debate and a vote.
ACTION: Contact your state senator and urge him or her to OPPOSE HJR5001. Be sure to provide your name and address, so they know you are from their district. Senators are getting lots of out-of-state emails but only are concerned with their own constituents. It would be a good idea to put your town in the subject line.
If you do not know who your senator is, click here. Send an email message here
Please read our brochure “The U.S. Constitution is Not the Problem!” to understand this topic. Talking points:

  • It is too risky to open our Constitution. There is too much national division and radical interest groups.
  • We already have limited government and fiscal restraint stipulations in our Constitution. They just need to be obeyed. The Constitution is not the problem.
  • There is too much uncertainty as to how a Constitutional Convention would be conducted. Would Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer be in charge?
  • Delegates to a Constitutional Convention could set their own rules with a new and weaker ratification mode. 
  • Who selects the delegates? Would California get more than South Dakota? Unknown.
  • Our Second Amendment and Electoral College would be threatened.

PRAYER: Lord, we thank you for the freedoms we enjoy in our country. We thank you for those who serve in the state legislature. Please guide and direct them to make decisions that are constitutional and are according to your will.
Please share this update with others.

God bless you for your faithfulness in prayer and action.


Linda Schauer
State Director
CWA of South Dakota