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Standing for the Truth in the Public Square.

Get Involved With CWA of South Dakota!

No matter your season of life:

Single, mom of young children, married, unmarried, or grandmother,

Concerned Women for America is here for you!

We are here to help you intersect your faith with public policy on the issues that matter most to you: faith, family, and freedom.

We are a sisterhood of bold, courageous women who pair our faith in Christ with public policy, and we are here to plug you in!

  • Engagement: state and local advocacy, lobbying, events, projects, marches
  • Prayer/Action Chapter Leaders: educating, advocating, praying, leading local meetings, fellowship, activism
  • Influencers: social media activism, personal networking, educating, praying

Ready to engage?

Click here for more information, or reach out to State Director Linda Schauer today. Linda would love to talk with you, answer your questions, and get you involved in South Dakota.

State Contact Information

State Director
Linda Schauer

State Office
P.O. Box 343

Leola, SD 57456


sOUTH dAKOTA News & Headlines

Legislative Update Week 8

“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it on to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on