[LBB] Men in Women’s Bathrooms? | CONCERNED WOMEN FOR AMERICA"/> [LBB] Men in Women’s Bathrooms? | CONCERNED WOMEN FOR AMERICA"/>
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No men in women’s bathrooms seems pretty obvious to most reasonable people.  As the nation’s largest public policy women’s organization, Concerned Women for America (CWA) has led the effort to raise the numerous safety and privacy concerns of women and young girls targeted by the newest leftist cause— to appease radical transgender activists by allowing them to utilize the bathrooms and locker rooms of their choice.

As a father of two girls, I can’t tell you how disturbing this is.  Aside from the fact that we are putting our families at risk (see a recent example here, where a “man dressed as a woman spied on a woman and her 5-year-old daughter … under a bathroom stall”), the net result of this misguided policy is the loss of freedom for most clear-thinking parents who will, understandably, never allow their daughter to go into any public restroom or locker room where they might be put in such a situation.

Enter Houston Proposition 1, which seeks to force just this type of irresponsible nonsense on its citizens.  And for what?  Are transgender people going to stop forcing their agenda on Houston after that?  Will they be content?  Of course not.  The measure is aimed at dissenters, especially Christians, who continue to insist on believing our Creator when it comes to matters of how we were created.  Crazy, I know.

You would think Houston of all cities would know better after Houston Mayor Annise Parker’s recent attempt to subpoena pastors’ sermons in connection with this referendum.  She ultimately backed off from the unconstitutional effort, but the threat this movement represents to religious liberty could not be clearer.

Pro-family organizations are united in decrying these efforts and upholding religious liberty for all Americans.  CWA of Texas is one of our most active chapters and has a strong presence in Houston (get involved today by visiting concernedwomen.org/states/texas/).

Our friends at FRC Action have produced this excellent ad to raise awareness for people to vote NO on Houston’s Prop. 1:

The ad is also available in Spanish, Vota NO en la Prop. 1:

Read more posts like this on the Legal Blurb Blog on CWA’s Legal Studies Page.

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Mario’s first book, “Be Spent: Winning the Fight for Freedom’s Survival,” is schedule for release in the next couple of weeks.