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Illinois House Set to Expand Abortion, Again. Will You Oppose Them?!

By February 22, 2019Illinois
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Partial Birth Abortion Bill Repeal and No Parental Notice is up for a vote in the Illinois House of Representatives.

Gov. J.B. Pritzker and the Democrat-controlled General Assembly are making good on their promise to make Illinois the most progressive women’s reproductive rights state in the nation.  The provisions in these bills are evil, plain and simple.

We must do everything we can to put a stop to the murder of the unborn. If the Christians in Illinois do not stand up for the unborn in Illinois, who will?

House Bills Expanding Abortion “Rights”:

Reproductive Health Act HB2495 Sponsored by State Rep. Kelly Cassidy (D-District 14) will expand abortion rights.

  1. Will repeal the Partial Birth Abortion Ban which would then allow babies to be killed up to the time of birth.
  2. Will make it mandatory that all private health insurance companies in the state provide coverage for abortion.
  3. Will repeal a 1975 Illinois abortion law (though currently not in effect) which includes criminal penalties on doctors who commit abortion and more.

Parental Notice Abortion – Repeal HB2467 Sponsored by State Rep. Chris Emanuel Welch (D-District 7) Will repeal the Parental Notice of Abortion Act of 1995 which presently requires notification – not consent.  What does this mean?

  1. That parents will never know if their child has become pregnant and had an abortion unless their child shares the information
  2. That if the child is having multiple abortions, the parents will not know.
  3. That if a child is being sexually abused by an adult, the parents are not given the last opportunity to be tipped off that something may be wrong and therefore, come to the aid of their daughter.

Both are expected to be voted out of committee any time.  They may immediately then go to the House floor for a vote.

Please take action:

  1. Please contact your state representative and urge him/her to oppose HB2495, Reproductive Health Care Act, and HB2467, Parental Notice of Abortion. Click here to find out who your representative is and how to contact him/her. Be sure to let them know that you are a member of Concerned Women for America of Illinois.
  2. Forward this alert to your family, friends, as well as, churches in your area.

Please join me in prayer that Christians will defend the sanctify of life and legislators will be convicted of the sanctity of life and vote accordingly.

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”- Edmund Burke

Debbie Leininger
State Director
CWA of Illinois

Take the next step!

  • Consider donating to CWA of Illinois online or write a check out to “Concerned Women for America,” put “CWA of IL” on the memo line, and then send it to CWA of Illinois at 1255 W. Empire Street, Freeport, IL 61032. Our state is run exclusively through donations. Thank you in advance for considering this opportunity.
  • Visit the CWA of Illinois webpage to see how you can become involved in our organization.
  • If someone forwarded this e-alert to you, and you would like to be on our e-alert list, email me, and I will be happy to add you.  You will receive legislative, project and event notices.