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Last Call! Urge Your Senators to Reject infanticide!

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This Monday, February 25, the Senate will vote on the Born Alive Abortion Survivor’s Protection Act, S. 311, sponsored by Nebraska Sen. Ben Sasse. The Born Alive bill requires doctors to provide a newborn who is born alive after an attempted abortion the same medical care that a child would be granted at the same gestational age in other circumstances. Also, it imposes penalties on health care practitioners who break the law, while providing mothers a private right of action and an avenue of justice against a doctor who would deny an abortion survivor the professional care and hospital admission necessary to preserve the life and health of the child.  This bill is not about abortion; it is about rejecting infanticide.

So many of CWA’s State Directors and state leaders have been active this week visiting their senators’ district offices asking for their support of S. 311. So many of you have called and emailed and tweeted and written your senators and asked for their support. CWALAC legislative staff have stormed Capitol Hill encouraging senators to vote to protect and preserve the lives of born alive children.

Thank you for your efforts; they are not in vain, and people are hearing you, but now is the time to keep pushing. Make one more call or send one more email or another tweet over the weekend to each of your senators and encourage them to vote in favor of S. 311. We are expecting the vote around 5:00 p.m. on Monday, so contact them before then!  Here is the link to our action center with a sample message you can personalize.

If you’re not sure what more to say, check out CWALAC’s talking points on the Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act. Thank you!!