Help Protect Free Speech Policies on College Campuses

By March 20, 2021North Dakota

You can make a difference by praying and acting on an important bill to protect faculty and students’ right to religious liberty and freedom of speech on college and university campuses in North Dakota.

Campuses across the nation have enacted policies that infringe on First Amendment rights. Concerned Women for America (CWA) of North Dakota supports HB 1503, which clarifies and ensures policies at public colleges and universities in North Dakota are constitutional. The bill also confirms an institution may not discriminate against any student organization and must provide all faith-based clubs with the same benefits afforded to other college organizations. 

On Monday, March 22, I will testify on behalf of our CWA of North Dakota members in support of the bill and urge the Senate Education Committee members to give HB 1503 a “Do Pass” recommendation.

Please Take Action:
#1. Email or call the members of the Senate Education Committee listed below my signature line and ask them to vote a “Do Pass” on HB 1503. If you are a member of Concerned Women for America of North Dakota, please let them know. Do not hesitate to leave a message on their voicemail.

Suggested message:
Please vote “Do Pass” on HB 1503. Protect the First Amendment rights of free speech and religious liberty to all students and faculty on college campuses in ND.

Your name and town

#2. Forward this email to family and friends! Every email message and every phone call are counted!

Please Pray:
Pray for our legislators on the Senate Education Committee by name that God would give them the wisdom and understanding to accomplish His purposes.

“Wisdom calls aloud outside; She raises her voice in the open squares. She cries out in the chief concourses, at the openings of the gates in the city She speaks her words.” Proverbs 1:20

Linda Thorson
State Director

Members of the Senate Education Committee:

  • Chairman Sen. Donald Schaible (Republican – District 31) or call 701-824-3168
  • Vice-Chairman Jay Elkin (R – District 36) Email | Cellphone 701-290-6583
  • Cole Conley (Republican – District 12) Email | Cellphone 701-320-9460
  • Randy Lemm (Republican – District 20) Email | Cellphone 701-430-1536
  • Erin Oban (Democrat – District 35) Email | Cellphone 701-527-1642
  • Michael Wobbma (Republican – District 24) Email | Cellphone 701-595-1579