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For America (Day 84)


Gracious Father,
How glorious are your works!
The colors of the sky are such a wonderful
Reflection of Your mighty deeds.

There is none like You.
This we know to be true and good.
From sunset to sundown, may Your name
Be praised in all the Earth.

We give You thanks for, even in the midst of tragedy,
We can do all things through Your Son,
Our Lord, Jesus Christ.
It is through Him that we rise up and go to sleep.

Lack of resources are no problem at all;
From our lack of trust deliver us.
Respect and honor we do not seek for ourselves;
Let Your name be lifted high, this is our aim.

Help us to walk in the power of Your Spirit.
Help us to speak light-shining truth and
To stand against evil; help us to care—
Care for those who are most vulnerable.

Forgive us our trespasses and help us to walk
Worthy of the calling which You have given us.
These are difficult times; we acknowledge that.
But we will stand firm on Your Word, no matter the difficulties.

Help us to withstand the enemy’s attacks
And guide us in all goodness, honor and purity.
Refine us in love and Your excellence.
Help us to worship You in spirit and truth.

Unite us in brotherly love,
Help us see our neighbors’ need and
Move our hearts with compassion
As Yours is moved time and again.

These things we pray,
With thanksgiving and faith,
In Jesus’ Holy Name,

Click here for more prayers from our For America Prayer Journal.