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For America (Day 79)

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Courage, Lord! Give us courage;
Courage based on confidence,
Not on ourselves, but on who You are:
Our Rock of eternal salvation.

What can man do to us?
What can separate us from Your Love?
Shall famine, or persecution,
Ridicule, disease, or betrayal?

Nothing can separate us from Your love
Poured out for us through the blood
Of Your Son, Jesus the Christ.

Therefore, leaning on that love
Which blots out all fear,
Let us walk on the stable ground of Your Word,
Confident of our past, present, and future.

Give us courage
To speak truth in love
At all times,
Whatever the cost.

Give us courage to withstand,
As the temperature of the culture waters
That engulf us rise
To a boil.

Give us the courage to confront sin
Within and without.
Cure us of our apathy,
And make us thirst for righteousness.

We reject man’s wisdom
With all its self-glorifying ways,
And surrender our pride
Before Your throne.

Have mercy on us poor sinners,
And receive all the glory.
Grant us Your wisdom and knowledge.
In Christ’s Holy name, we pray,


Click here for more prayers from our For America Prayer Journal.