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For America (Day 74)

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Oh Lord, Our God,
Our Refuge and Safe Passage,
Forgive us our selfish wants,
As we ignore You, the greatest treasure.

Do not give up on us,
Wretched as we are.
Do not hide Your face from
Your people, living in distress.

For we are helpless, aside from You.
Our schemes have failed us;
Our ingenuity corrupted us,
And our progress enslaved us.

You are our Deliverer!
The same as yesterday, still today,
The One capable of overcoming
Sin, doubt, and pain.

And when it is all said and done,
This is what we find inside us.
Sin –falling for the enemy’s lies, again;
Doubt –as we put our trust in ourselves.

Pain. Yes, so much pain
In our homes, our cities, our land.
We need a miracle.
We need revival.

Grant it to us, in Your mercy, once again.
Let Your banner shine high above us
In the land of the free, the home of the brave.
Full of fear, let us return.

May we discover or rediscover,
Whatever appropriate the case,
The wonder, splendor and sweetness
Of Your gaze.

The rightness and “homeness”
Of worship.
Teach us to worship.
Teach us to pray, once again.

That we may endure sufferings,
Knowing perseverance, character and hope will follow.
You are our Hope.
Our only Hope.

Christ Jesus, our Lord,
In whose Name we pray,

Click here for more prayers from our For America Prayer Journal.