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For America (Day 49)

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Holy God, Our Father in heaven,
Blessed be Your Name now and forever more.

Incline Your ears to us.
In thanksgiving we pray
For the plight of women in our land
And around the world.

You are our Creator;
We bear Your image.
Do not let those who seek after evil,
Desecrate these monuments to Your glory.

Especially, oh Lord,
We lift up vulnerable women
Who lack the freedom
To seek You in spirit and truth.

Let men and women of good
Rise up against this great evil.
Let us not grow apathetic
But increasingly concerned.

Give us the thirst to seek
After You, our only hope.
In You, the impossible
Is commonplace.

So we rise up in prayer
Against terror and those who
Employ it as a means to power
and control over their fellow men.

We meet this challenge
With eyes wide open,
Knowing we do not wrestle against
Flesh and blood.

Therefore, we do not fight
As others would expect,
But on our knees,
Lifting holy hands to You,
Our all, our strength.
