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For America (Day 111)

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Gracious Lord and Father, we praise You;
Your Kingdom we exalt on earth, as in heaven,
It is Your will we seek to do and not our own.
We are servants, soldiers, slaves, in freedom and joy.

Keep us from that which you despise, Lord:
From haughty eyes, which look down on the poor
And those who are different or foreign to us;
Break our pride and let humility grow.

From a lying tongue, merciful Father, keep us;
Give us the courage to stand for truth.
Our enemy is the father of lies, and he
Shames us into his perversions with cunning evil schemes.

Protect us from his deception and open our eyes
Empowering us to expose him and help save many.
Hands that shed innocent blood, You also hate!
How can we turn a blind eye to abortion and abuse of power?

No. Help us to speak where injustice reigns,
Give us words beyond our wisdom and age,
From the mouth of babes, may Your truth be heard:
“In His image, He created us,” as the Holy Scriptures attest.

Keep us from hearts that devise wicked plans.
Wicked plans are wicked, even when done for “a good cause.”
Good intentions are not enough, Lord,
Help us be wise as serpents, innocent as doves.

The feet which make haste to run to evil, You also loath;
Keep us balanced in Your Word.
Help us pierce the veil of the world to see that evil exists,
And that evil is never “fun” or “desirable.”

Help us never be complicit in its spread.
On the contrary, we pledge to stand in its way,
That the innocent may not suffer
The consequences of its selfish ways.

Keep us from a false witness.
May we choose You, even before our own.
You gave Your only begotten Son for us,
Help us never to betray you for ours.

May Truth be our north,
Even when pain or suffering be the road.
We need help, Lord. Help!
We stand at the door and knock.

Finally, You’ve said the one who sows discord among brothers, You abhor.
Forgive us! Has any not done so?
By commission or omission, have we not sought our own?
Only by Your grace, we stand in hope.

And by faith, we ask that it be so,
That we may stand approved before You
Our Lord, Creator, Master, Savior, King,
Our refuge, strength, our shelter and help.


Click here for more prayers from our For America Prayer Journal.