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For America (Day 106)

Lord of Heaven and Earth,
With our most fervent plea
We approach Your throne of grace
On behalf of the faithful in this land.

We recognized it is for freedom that You have set us free;
And we seek to honor You in that freedom
By showing much restraint and deference
To You and Your Holy Word.

Forgive us our trespasses and help us
Not to lean on our own understanding.
We desperately need Your wisdom;
We long for revival in our land.

Father, as evil increases—
That foolish boldness to live loudly against Your statutes
And Your people—we pray for mercy.
We know not what we do, oh Lord!

As a new “political season” slowly approaches,
How we need Your eternal perspective!
Do not let our short-sighted emotions govern
The state of our hearts or the words of our mouths.

Help us to love; to love enough
To speak truth and give grace,
To stand firm and turn the other cheek,
To have courage, fearing only You.

Do not let the enemy’s lies stand unchallenged.
Help us to be light in the darkness,
To never lose our saltiness.
Help us through much struggle to persevere.

And help us to rest—
Rest in Your unsearchable ways,
Which are always right and good; perfect!
In Jesus’ Name we pray,


Click here for more prayers from our For America Prayer Journal.