For America (Day 101) – A Prayer Against Late-Term Abortion

To You, oh Lord, we lift up our souls.
For You are good — ready to forgive
Those who call upon Your Name.
And so, we call upon Thee, Yahweh.

Arise Lord, against the evil that drives
The recent push for late-term abortion in our land.
Arise! Speak Lord, and it shall be done;
Raise up an army of salt and light in our midst.

Forgive us our silence and our apathy,
Cleanse us from all wickedness inside us
And help us to put these babies being slaughtered
Ahead of our selfish ambitions.

Teach us to love women in crisis pregnancies,
And the life You have created within them.
Teach us to love our enemies enough
To stand squarely against them in all truth.

Give us boldness to speak,
As the disciples before us;
Help us embrace ridicule and scorn,
For Your Name’s sake.

“Blessed are those who are persecuted
For righteousness’ sake,”[a] Christ said,
“Blessed those who hunger and thirst for righteousness,
For they shall be filled.”[b]

Fill us with Your justice for the unborn;
Open the eyes of our countrymen, and help us win
Against this great evil — this great injustice.
We are helpless without You.


Click here for more prayers from our For America Prayer Journal.

Mario Diaz, Esq. is CWA’s general counsel. Follow him on Twitter @mariodiazesq.