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Two Bad Gambling Bills Defeated!!

By March 8, 2019South Dakota
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SJR2 is a gambling bill that would have placed the issue on the 2020 ballot for all South Dakota voters to decide if we would want to legalize sports betting in the City of Deadwood.

SJR2 was defeated in the House 33-32-5.  Thanks be to God! Check the votes here. We wanted a NO vote, not to calendar for further debate and action.  (A majority vote of the House was required to place SJR2 on the calendar.  It did not receive the needed 36 votes.)

Those behind this bill have indicated that they will proceed to gather signatures on petitions to place it on the ballot in 2020. Encourage your friends not to sign such a petition!

CWA has always taken a position against the expansion of gambling. Interestingly, the Department of Revenue came forth in opposition, stating that their analysis showed that this legalization of sports gambling would cost the state more than it would bring in for revenue, due to the costs of regulation, etc. This was a message that possibly is backed by Gov. Kristi Noem, who stated during her gubernatorial campaign that she was against the expansion of gambling.

Sadly, South Dakota is second in the country with the number of gambling addicts, with Nevada being the first.

Another gambling bill was defeated in the full Senate on Monday, February 25.  

SJR5 was a gambling bill that would have placed the issue on the 2020 ballot for all South Dakota voters to decide. SJR5 would allow roulette, keno, craps, limited card games, and slot machines in the city of Yankton. The vote was 13 to 22. Praise God! Check the votes here. We wanted a No vote.

Sanctity of Life

There are several good pro-life bills that easily passed in the Legislature. We will have a full report on these life bills in our spring newsletter.

A special thanks to all of you who both prayed and acted on these bills, and others, as we have moved through the legislative session. Your efforts reaped a harvest.

Linda Schauer

State Director
CWA of South Dakota