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For America (Day 100)

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Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God,
Everlasting Father and Prince of Peace,
You deserve all praise and honor;
In You all things hold together.

Therefore, to You we lift our voices.
As a country and a people in desperate need
Of Your intervention and restoration.
Incline Your ears to our supplications, Lord.

We are sinners crumbling under the weight of our sin.
Have mercy on us and come to our rescue.
Let the light of Your Son, our Savior, shine in the hearts
Of many in our land — let revival arise!

For we know that despite all our efforts
What we need is a change of heart, a new heart.
And what can we ultimately do to bring this about
But to speak truth and let Your Holy Spirit move?

Let us see truth, therefore,
Clearly and magnificently.
Help us open our eyes to see beyond
The lies of this present world.

Help us focus on the new one to come
The one You promised through Your Son.
Oh Lord, we trust only in Your Love
Refocus us. Consecrate us. To You.

Help us walk with integrity in the light.
Help us to love each other, as You command.
Help us believe Your promises
And to walk confidently in them.

Help us to speak boldly, proclaiming Your name,
Defeating the enemy’s lies at every turn,
Suffering the consequences of being Yours,
Bearing our cross daily until You come.

In Christ’s name we pray these things,

Click here for more prayers from our For America Prayer Journal.

Mario Diaz, Esq. is CWA’s general counsel. Follow him on Twitter @mariodiazesq.