Don’t Let Pornography Destroy Your Marriage | CONCERNED WOMEN FOR AMERICA"/> Don’t Let Pornography Destroy Your Marriage | CONCERNED WOMEN FOR AMERICA"/>

poadJohn got into porn fairly early in his life; he must have been 12 or 13. First with magazines, then VHS tapes (does anyone know what that is anymore?) and later online.

Easy access made it part of his daily routine. He was hooked on porn before he even realized it.

He was never really comfortable with it. Even though he always saw it as generally benign and every media medium told him it was part of being a teenager, John knew that it had affected the way he saw girls. He would fantasize about them, many times utilizing the hundreds of poses and scenes he had experienced in porn magazines and videos. He didn’t like that at all—especially when thinking about someone whom he really liked. He tried to push the images away, but there was no use.

You can’t unsee pornography.

Read the rest of this op-ed as featured on TheBlaze.

Follow Mario on Twitter @legalblurbblog

Mario’s book, “Be Spent: Winning the Fight for Freedom’s Survival,” is now avalable for purchase from CWA. Check it out!